90 SPX2000—Owner’s Manual
Equation for converting the control value into parameter
data (CurValue)
paramSteps = paramMax - paramMin;
curValue = (Control Value * paramSteps)/127;
If the data begins with 00h or 20h
STATUS 1011nnnn Bn Control change
DATA 00000000 00 Bank Select MSB
00000000 00 Bank number MSB (0); fixed
at 0
STATUS 1011nnnn Bn Control change
DATA 00100000 20 Bank Select LSB
000000vv vv
Bank number LSB (0, 1, 2); 0:
table A, 1: table B, 2: table
STATUS 1100nnnn Cn Program change
DATA 0vvvvvvv vv Program number (0-127)
2.4 PROGRAM CHANGE (Cn)When the SPX2000 receives this message, it will recall the effect specified
by the content of the program change table (page 22).
• Reception conditions
This message is received if the following two conditions are satisfied.
1)The “MIDI RECEIVE” setting (page 23) is “PGM CHANGE = ON”.
2)The channel on which the MIDI message is transmitted matches the
SPX2000’s MIDI channel, or the SPX2000’s MIDI channel is set to
• Format
STATUS 1100nnnn Cn Program change
DATA 0nnnnnnn nn Program number (0-127)
2.5 TIMING CLOCK (F8)This message is used for tempo synchronization of the effect. Twenty-
four of these messages are received per quarter note.
• Reception conditions
This message is received if the “TEMPO SOURCE” setting (page 23) is
set to a tempo synchronization source of “MIDI.”
• Format
STATUS 11111000 F8 Timing clock
2.6 ACTIVE SENSING (FE)Once the SPX2000 has received this message, failure to receive a message
of any kind for an interval longer than 400 ms will cause it to initialize
MIDI communication settings such as running status.
• Format
STATUS 11111110 FE Active sensing
2.7 SYSTEM RESET (FF)When the SPX2000 receives this message, it will initialize MIDI commu-
nication settings such as running status.
• Format
STATUS 11111111 FF System reset
Bulk Dump messages are used to bulk dump SPX2000 data to a con-
nected MIDI device (see page 23) , or to receive data from a connected
MIDI device to overwrite internal settings of the SPX2000.
Bulk Dump Request messages request a bulk dump of data from the
• Reception conditions
This message is received if the following two conditions are satisfied.
1)The “MIDI RECEIVE” setting (page 23) is “SYSEX BLKDMP = ON”.
2)The device number within the MIDI message matches the
SPX2000’s MIDI channel, or the SPX2000’s MIDI channel is set to
•Transmission conditions
This message is transmitted when either of the following conditions
are met.
•The “BULK OUT (ALL)” function is executed to perform a bulk
•A Bulk Dump Request message is received.
• Data conversion
The data portion is handled by converting seven words of 8-bit data
into eight words of 7-bit data.
[Converting actual data into bulk data]
d[0~6]: Actual data
b[0~7]: Bulk data
b[0] = 0;
for( I=0; I<7; I++){
if( d[I]&0x80){
b[0] |= 1<<(6-I);
b[I+1] = d[I]&0x7F;
[Restoring bulk data into actual data]
d[0~6]: Actual data
b[0~7]: Bulk data
for( I=0; I<7; I++){
b[0] <<= 1;
d[I] = b[I+1]+(0x80&b[0]);
■ System Setup Data Bulk Dump Format
This bulk-dumps the SPX2000’s setup memory except for the program
change table.
• Format
STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacture’s ID number
SUB STATUS 0000nnnn 0n n=0-15 (Device number=Device
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E Universal bulk dump
COUNT HIGH 0ccccccc ch data count = ch * 128 + cl
COUNT LOW 0ccccccc cl
01001100 4C ‘L’
01001101 4D ‘M’
00100000 20 ‘ ’
00100000 20 ‘ ’
00111000 38 ‘8’
01000100 44 ‘D’
00110001 31 ‘1’
00110001 31 ‘1’
DATA NAME 01010011 53 ‘S’
00000010 02
00000000 00 No.256 = Current
BLOCK INFO. 0ttttttt tt total block number(minimum
number is 0)
0bbbbbbb bb current block number(0-total
block number)
DATA 0ddddddd ds Setup data of block[bb]
0ddddddd de
CHECK SUM 0eeeeeee ee ee=(Invert(‘L’+ c+de)+1)&0x7F
EOX 11110111 F7 End of exclusive
■ System Setup Data Bulk Dump request Format
• Format
STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacture’s ID number
SUB STATUS 0010nnnn 2n n=0-15 (Device number=Device
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E Universal bulk dump
01001100 4C ’L’
01001101 4D ‘M’
00100000 20 ‘ ’
00100000 20 ‘ ’
00111000 38 ‘8’
01000100 44 ‘D’
00110001 31 ‘1’
00110001 31 ‘1’
DATA NAME 01010011 53 ‘S’
00000010 02
00000000 00 No.256 = Current
EOX 11110111 F7 End of exclusive