Whether you have purchased a VL1 Version 2, VL1-m Ver-
sion 2, or VL7 Version 2 or upgraded from an original version, you
are now in possession of what is currently the most advanced
computer-based “physical modelling” musical synthesis system in
the world.
VL Version 2 is a software upgrade which significantly
enhances the sound and playability of the original VL system in the
same sense that operating system upgrades for personal computers
can provide major improvements in operating ease and functional-
ity. To employ a more musical example, upgrading from the origi-
nal VL version to Version 2 takes you from the sound and response
of a baby grand piano to that of a full concert grand.
Welcome to Version 2*The company names and product names in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective companies.
VL Version 2
VL future
'93 '95
System 6 Windows 95
System 7
Specifically, Version 2 applies to two main areas: 1) the
physical modelling algorithm has been improved for greater simula-
tion precision and resolution; and 2) improved effects. Please note
that the changes have not been made merely in the interest of
greater programming “elegance” or to fix bugs in the original sys-
tem. Version 2 is a very meaningful upgrade, offering advanced
sound and playability that can make a major difference in the qual-
ity of the music you create.