VL Version 2
5: Experiments
Editing the Pressure Envelope.
Each VL voice has preset pressure, embouchure,
and other envelope settings that determine how
the voice will respond to control on a time basis. For example,
even though you might use a controller to apply maximum
pressure right at the beginning of a note, the voice will actually
respond more slowly, building up from minimum pressure to
maximum over a time specified by its pressure envelope. This
simulates the natural response of a brass instrument or string.
The envelopes actually have several other time-based param-
eters that control the voice’s response. In the following
experiment we’ll try adjusting the pressure envelope and see
how it affects the sound.
1. Disconnect the breath controller, foot controller, and
footswitch. Just disconnect the breath controller from the
VL1-m Ver.2.
2. Press the P button to engage the PLAY mode.
3. Select the A04 voice — “Violin”.
4. Press E to go to the EDIT mode.
5. Press the ™ (E1 or EL) function button to go to the
element edit menu.
6. Press ¢ (Env) to go to the envelope menu.
7. Use the cursor buttons to highlight the “1: Pressure” item
in the menu.
8. Press [ to go to the PRESSURE envelope param-
eter page.
9. Use the cursor buttons to highlight the “Attack Rate
Offset” parameter.
10.Alternately use the data dial to change the setting of the
“Attack Rate Offset” parameter and play the keyboard to
hear how it affects the sound.
Note that as you increase the value the attack speed
increases, while lower values produce a slower attack.
with some voices keyboard velocity also affects the attack
time. With this particular voice this effect becomes more
obvious when the “Attack Rate Offset” parameter is set to
a negative value. Sensitivity of the envelope to keyboard
velocity is determined by the “Velocity Sens To Rate”