VL Version 2
5: Experiments
5. Try operating the modulation wheel (MW1) while playing
the keyboard, and note how the sound changes.
Amplitude is purely a volume variation, with no
effect on pitch or timbre.
6. Press = once to turn the “Controller” parameter “off”.
7. Press ].
: Scream
1. Use the cursor buttons to highlight the “07: Scream” item
in the element edit display.
2. Press [ to go to the SCREAM parameter display.
3. If necessary, use the cursor buttons to highlight the
current setting of the “Controller” parameter.
4. Press - once to set the “Controller” parameter to
“Modulation Wheel”.
5. Try operating the modulation wheel (MW1) while playing
the keyboard, and note how the sound changes.
As its name implies, “scream” can produce some
really wild variations.
6. Press = once to turn the “Controller” parameter “off”.
7. Press ].
: Breath Noise
1. Use the cursor buttons to highlight the “08: B.Noise”
item in the element edit display.
2. Press [ to go to the BREATH NOISE parameter
: Tonguing
1. Use the cursor buttons to highlight the “05: Tnguing”
item in the element edit display.
2. Press [ to go to the TONGUING parameter display.
3. If necessary, use the cursor buttons to highlight the
current setting of the “Controller” parameter.
4. Press - once to set the “Controller” parameter to
“Modulation Wheel”.
5. Try operating the modulation wheel (MW1) while playing
the keyboard, and note how the sound changes.
Tonguing generally refers to the technique of
controlling the reed with the tongue. The shakuhachi does
not have a reed, but, with a VL instrument it becomes
possible to apply tonguing effects to a shakuhachi voice.
Tonguing produces variations in both volume and timbre.
6. Press = once to turn the “Controller” parameter “off”.
7. Press ].
: Amplitude
1. Use the cursor buttons to highlight the “06: Ampltd” item
in the element edit display.
2. Press [ to go to the AMPLITUDE parameter
3. If necessary, use the cursor buttons to highlight the
current setting of the “Controller” parameter.
4. Press - once to set the “Controller” parameter to
“Modulation Wheel”.