VL Version 2
5: Experiments
VL1-m Ver.2 Preparation
Carry out the steps listed below to prepare the VL1-m
Ver.2 for the following experiments.
1. Disconnect the breath controller.
2. Make sure the PLAY mode is engaged. If it isn’t, press
the P button.
3. Select voice A06 (Shakuhachi).
NOTES ■ In the A06 Shakuhachi voice all controllers are
turned “off”, making it a rather dull voice from a musical
standpoint. This voice has been provided specifically for use
in the following experiments, and is not intended for music
4. Press E.
5. Press the ™ (E1) function button to go to the element
edit menu. If the display shown below doesn’t appear,
press the ¡ (Ctrl) button.
: Pressure
1. Use the cursor buttons to highlight the “01: Pressr” item
in the element edit display.
2. Press [ to go to the PRESSURE parameter display.
3. If necessary, use the cursor buttons to highlight the
current setting of the “Controller” parameter.
4. Press - once to set the “Controller” parameter to
“Modulation Wheel”.
5. Try operating the modulation wheel (MW1) while playing
the keyboard, and note how the sound changes.
In addition to volume, pressure affects the timbre of
the sound.
6. Press = once to turn the “Controller” parameter “off”.
7. Press ].
: Embouchure
1. Use the cursor buttons to highlight the “02: Embchr” item
in the element edit display.
2. Press [ to go to the EMBOUCHURE parameter
3. If necessary, use the cursor buttons to highlight the
current setting of the “Controller” parameter.
4. Press - once to set the “Controller” parameter to
“Modulation Wheel”.
5. Try operating the modulation wheel (MW1) while playing
the keyboard, and note how the sound changes.
Embouchure generally refers to the pressure of the
player’s lips on the reed or mouthpiece. In the case of the
Shakuhachi voice, embouchure controls the size of the
airstream entering the mouthpiece, resulting in variations
in both pitch and timbre.