18. Solo Switch
The Solo switch is pre-Mute or post-Fader and introduces no attenuation. Routing is,
1. to the AFL/PFL Solo Mode selector
2. to the VU-Meter plus the Headphone level and amplifier.
The Solo feature allows you to isolate a channel or master buss through the head-
phones and on the VU-Meter. Because it is pre-Mute in the PFL mode, you can still Solo
a channel on Mute – a convenience for digital audio players, CD-player, and tape decks
on the stereo channels, or listening in on the mono channels for problems such as feed-
back or a distorted microphone. Also with the Solo Mode master button set for PFL, you
can solo each channel during the sound check and adjust the channel Gain so that the
VU-Meter averages around 0 dB.
The Clip LED is another way to help set the Gain control. The above method is more
precise, but the Clip lights can all be seen with a quick look, hence they are better for
making Gain adjustments later on. Look under 8. Gain control for more on this.
Soloing the effects busses lets you hear only effects through headphones, with no dry
signal mixed in. This aids in selecting and adjusting the effects. Then, to preview the
final main P.A. mix with dry and effects signals, switch off all the Solos. Only the main
stereo mix will now be on the headphones.
During a sound check, use the Solo button/s to help you set Gain Level/s, one channel
at a time as follows:
1. Depress the Solo button on a channel you wish to adjust, making sure that all other
channel and master Solos are off.
2. Set the SOLO MODE button so that the PFL light flashes.
3. Turn up the channel’s Gain control until the VU-Meter peaks at “0”.
4. Adjust the level fader and EQ as desired.
5. Re-adjust the GAIN if needed for 0dB readings on the VU-Meter
19. Level Fader
All Level Fader gradations have 0 dB reference. This relates to 0 dB on VU-Meter when
one channel is in operation on PFL Solo with continuous signal at the input and the
channel Gain is adjusted for that reading. Switch to AFL with the channel and main fad-
ers at 0dB and the VU level reading should remain approximately 0 dB with one channel
in operation (reduce main levels as you add channels to the mix to maintain 0dB read-
ings in the AFL mode).
Level fader taper is expanded in the upper mid-slide area for precise adjustments and
condensed at the extremes for fast off or max. Signal routing goes simultaneously to the
Efx 1, the Efx 2 and Aux sends and Pan control.