Chapter 4 System Operation & Maintenance
4.0Installation & Usage Guidelines
1.Inspect the unit to make sure it is in good operat- ing condition.
2.Fill the coalescing tank with 3 gallons of water to fill the waste discharge pipe column. NOTE: If the coalescer tank is not
3.Secure the filtered oil return hose to your pre- ferred holding vessel using the magnet, pro- vided.
4.Install your preferred fluid intake attachment, ac- cording to the guidelines in Section 3.0, quick- connecting it to the fluid intake hose.
5.Connect your air hose to the air connection fit- ting.
6.Lift the air regulator knob and adjust until the pressure is approximately
4.1Oil Accumulation for Ultrafiltration & Waste Discharge
Once the fluid is drawn into the coalescing tank, it will begin to separate into two main layers. The oil com- ponent will float towards the top of the tank and wa-
•The strength of the
•The age and quality of the
•The age and quality of the oil to be ultrafiltered
•Chemical instabilities caused by other additives en- tering fluid pool
•The flow rate of the coalescing system
Maintain a regulated flow rate so it provides for a proper hold time for all fluids to separate, usually
If there is not a complete separation of the oil and water portions, then a slower flow rate may be necessary, as your fluids have lost the ability to gravity separate within
The Snapdragon Sierra is not guaranteed to separate a straight oil from another straight oil and/or tramp oils. Before reusing any straight oil, verify its integrity.
Manually discharge the wastewater portion to a waste container, via the ball valve, so as not to recirculate it through the ultrafilter and into your preferred holding vessel. NOTE: We recommend maintaining a waste water level of about a third of the tank heighth to main- tain the separated fluid layers. ALWAYS discharge the waste fluid while the pump is running to prevent vacuum loss in the waste discharge pipe.
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