1.When you enter the setup mode, the system is in the “Geometry Mode” (the shape controls adjust all three colors at the same time). To adjust an individual color (i.e. Red to adjust SKEW), you must press the “Red” key. This will put the system into the “Convergence Mode” (the shape controls adjust one color at a time). To return to the Geometry Mode, you must press the “Red” key a second time.

2.When you are adjusting all colors (“geometry mode”), the little arrow keys at the bottom are for video phase adjust only. When they are pressed, the remote will switch the geometry control to phase. If the arrow keys have not been touched for a few seconds, the remote will automatically switch back to the geometry control you were last using before using the small arrows.

3.When you are adjusting an individual color (“conver- gence mode”), the little arrow keys at the bottom are for DC Centering only. When they are pressed, the remote will switch the convergence control to DC Centering. If the arrow keys have not been touched for a few seconds, the remote will automatically switch back to the convergence control you were last using before using the small arrows.

4.The setup controls, in the on screen display, are usually labeled with Horz/Vert, T/L (top/left), or B/R (bottom/right) and a number value indicating the current setting.

5.If you want to see what effect the “new setting” compared to the “stored setting” has on the display, press the “ADJ TOGGLE” key on the remote. Adjust tog- gle will allow you to switch between the two settings before committing to a change.

6.After making your changes and adjustments, be sure you SAVE THE NEW SETTINGS. If a major change has been made, new module, new CRT, or a change in the physical setup, you must re-adjust and store the geometry/setup for each of the formats and aspect ratios being used.

7.To escape from the setup mode without saving any

changes, press the “Quit” key twice.

8.Caution - shut all the PRO895X timers and signal source power conserve features off before starting convergence. If the video signal is lost, you will quit convergence mode with no chance to save your work.

9.To display the Forced Mode Menu press “SETUP” and “GREEN SELECT”.

10.To display the current sync and video format being used press, “GREEN MUTE”.

11.To see the elapsed time display, press and hold “LIN C/LI-LIN”, until the regular menu disappears, and then press the “TIMER” or “H-Pulse” key.

12.To set the unit IR Code (for use when multiple units are in the area), press and hold “LIN C/LI-LIN”, until the regular menu disappears, and then press “T/LS”, “T/LS”, “T/LS”, “T/LS”, and “ADJ TOGGLE”.

13.Copying Formats Procedure

Copy the setup information (Convergence, blanking, phase, chromatics, and aspect ratio) from one defined format to another defined format. The procedure quickly copies unrecognized new formats or existing formats to one of the five available “Customer” defined format spaces. The ten factory format presets cannot be over- written. To display the Copy Format Menu, press “R-MUTE”. Use the Left/Right arrows to select the for- mat you want to copy. Use the Up/Down arrows to change the menu option from “Copy From” to “Copy To”. Use ENTER to initiate copying the format to the newly specified customer format (Customer 1, Customer 2, etc.) If a format already exists in the selected Customer format space, it will be overwritten by the new format when ENTER is pressed. QUIT exits the menu without making any changes.

14.To aid with the alignment procedure, it is recommended that you mark the center of the screen and the center of all four sides with masking tape. Use “drafting” type tape that will not leave any marks. This will give you calibration points for convergence and CRT alignments.

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Zenith PRO895X setup guide Setup Mode Notes and Cautions