The unit performs a startup sequence—the front panel LINK


light blinks. (For reference, we have included a table on page


42 that explains the meaning of the X5’s front panel lights.)


Note: You may see a Found New Hardware box


indicating the progression of the installation; typically no user


action is necessary. If you are using Windows XP, however,


you may be required to click Next.


Depending on your operating system, you may see a


Hardware Installation disclaimer box or a Digital

Signature Not Found dialog box. You can safely ignore these messages and click Yes or Continue Anyway.

Windows XP Users: If prompted to do so, click Finish.

When the modem’s startup sequence is complete, the LINK light will change from blinking to solid. Continue below with Establishing Communication with the X5.

Establishing Communication with the X5


Depending on your computer’s operating system, you may


have a Zoom Web Console icon on your desktop.

If you do, double-click it to display the Network Password dialog box.

If you do not have a Zoom Web Console icon on your desktop, open your Web browser, type and press Enter to display the Network Password box.

Note: If your web browser doesn’t open properly, it may be that your Internet settings need adjustment. Turn to page 46 for instructions.

Note: This User Name and Network Password are different from the ones that your service provider gave you. They provide an added level of security that protects your ADSL unit’s settings.


X5 ADSL Modem User’s Manual