IMPORTANT: Outside users who want to access the X5’s virtual server need to use the X5’s WAN IP address (supplied by your ISP), not the LAN IP address. If you don’t know the WAN IP address, you can find it by clicking the System Status icon at the top of the X5’s main interface page and scrolling down to the WAN Status section.
Note: To test the port forwarding feature, you must use another person’s
2.6 DMZ
In certain instances, you may want to give outside users unrestricted access from the Internet to one computer on your LAN. For example, you may want to use an application such as NetMeeting that uses dynamic ports. Or you may want to use the computer to play games over the Internet, and you want others to be able to initiate games with you. Because of the X5’s firewall, without a DMZ you would always have to be the one to initiate a game. A DMZ configuration bypasses the modem’s NAT firewall and allows the computer to accept all incoming packets.
CAUTION! Use the DMZ feature with the utmost care. It exposes the DMZ computer’s entire contents to the Internet; there is no firewall protection whatsoever.
To enable the X5’s DMZ feature, follow these steps.
1 You need to specify the DMZ Host IP address. To obtain this address, navigate to the LAN Settings page by returning to the Advanced Setup page and clicking the LAN Settings button. You’ll see the defined starting and ending LAN IP address range; for example, and Your DMZ Host IP Address should be a static IP address outside of this
Chapter 2: Advanced Setup Options | 25 |