3In the Configurations dialog box, click Duplicate.

4The Duplicate Configuration dialog box appears. Type a name, such as “Zoom ADSL Modem,” and click OK.

5The Configurations dialog box appears again. Highlight your new configuration—in our example, Zoom ADSL Modem—and click Make Active.

6In the TCP/IP dialog box, under Connect via:, select

Ethernet. Under Configure:, select Using DHCP Server. Do not enter anything in the DHCP Client ID field.

Note: If you want to use a static IP address—for example, if you were setting up a virtual server (page 22) or a DMZ (page 25)—you would highlight Manually from the Configure: list and then enter the static IP address, subnet mask, etc.

Appendix D: Macintosh and Linux Users: Configuring TCP/IP Settings