Using Your X5 with PlayStation® 2

You should have already completed the Quick Start Instructions on page 6.

Note: You must plug the PlayStation unit into a computer to configure it and you must use the X5’s Ethernet option. Be sure to enter the login User Name and Password supplied by your ISP on the X5’s Basic Setup page.

1 Navigate to the Advanced Setup page and click the Virtual

Server button. On the Virtual Server page, you need to specify 10 entries, one at a time. Tip: If you are unfamiliar with setting up a virtual server, please refer to page 22 of this manual.

aFill out the following fields:

Public Port=10070 Private Port=10070 Port Type=TCPHost IP Address= and then click Add This Setting.

bYou have to perform this task for ports 70 to 80. That is, the next entry would be

Public Port=10071 Private Port=10071 Port Type=TCPHost IP Address=

and so on until you have entered 10080.

Don’t forget to click Add This Setting each time.

cWhen you have entered all 10 entries, click Write Settings to Flash and Reboot and then Confirm.

Important: Once you are done, you must run the PlayStation installation using the PS2 CD. Follow the prompts.


X5 ADSL Modem User’s Manual