SOLUTION: Your computer’s TCP/IP properties might not be set correctly. Both the Default Gateway IP address and the DNS server IP address must match the LAN IP address of the modem. (See page 23 for an illustration of the Windows TCP/IP dialog box.)

PROBLEM: Why do I hear static or noise when I’m using my telephone?

SOLUTION: If that phone does not have its own filter, you may hear static or high-pitched noise if you make a phone call while your ADSL modem is on. A filter also prevents a phone from interfering with, or dropping, your DSL connection.

PROBLEM: I accidentally unplugged the USB cable while using my modem. This resulted in a general protection fault (GPF) error message. What should I do?

SOLUTION: You must plug the modem back in and restart your computer to rectify this problem.


X5 ADSL Modem User’s Manual