2 Navigate back to the X5’s Advanced Setup page and click the Virtual Server button.


The ID number is a convenient way to refer


to a particular computer.



Public Port

Inbound port from the Internet.



Private Port

Inbound port from the modem to the LAN.



Port Type

Default is TCP. UDP is optional.



Host IP Address

IP address of the host computer—i.e., on the


LAN side.



aSelect an ID number that you want to associate with this computer—1, for example.

bIn this example, the public and private port numbers are the same: 21. Enter 21 in the Public Port and Private Port fields.

cSelect the Port Type. For FTP, it is TCP, which is the default.

dEnter the Host IP Address. (This is the fixed IP address of the computer or device to which the virtual server is passing data.)

eClick Add This Setting (in this case, there is no Save Changes button), and then click Write Settings to Flash and Reboot.


X5 ADSL Modem User’s Manual