Chapter 18 Maintenance Screens
Click Maintenance > Power to display the following screen.
Figure 180 Maintenance > Power
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 114 Maintenance > Power
Power Management | |
Turn off hard | Enter the number of minutes to wait when the NSA is idle before spinning the hard disks |
disk(s) | down to sleep (hibernation). The default time is 15 minutes. |
Enable Sleeping | Select this to have the HDD LED blink slowly when the hard disk is sleeping (hibernating). |
HDD LED | Clear this to have the HDD LED stay on when the hard disk is sleeping. |
Blinking |
Minimum UPS Capacity | |
Minimum UPS | When you use an APC Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with a USB connection to the |
Capacity | NSA, the NSA shuts itself down if the APC UPS’s battery charge gets down to the |
| percentage you specify in this field. This allows the NSA to shut down properly and avoid |
| data loss caused by a power failure when the UPS stops supplying power. |
| A setting around 50% is recommended. A setting close to 100% is not recommended since |
| it would cause the NSA to shut down whenever the UPS is charging. A setting close to 0 is |
| also not recommended since the UPS would not have enough power to allow the NSA to |
| shutdown properly. |
Power On After | Select an option to set whether or not the NSA restarts when the power is restored after a |
Power Failure | power failure. |
| Note: This feature is not supported on NSA310. |
Keep Former | Select this option to have the NSA automatically restart only if it was operating when the |
Status | power failed. The NSA remains off if it was already off when the power failed. |
Always | Select this option to keep the NSA operating as much of the time as possible. The NSA |
Power On | restarts automatically even if it was turned off when the power failed. |
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Media Server User’s Guide | |