Chapter 3 Tutorials

6Click QUICK VIEW to open the system status screen. Verify your wireless and wireless security settings and check if the WLAN connection is up.

7The user can now use the notebook’s wireless client to search for the NWA1300-NJ (see Section 3.2.2 on page 28).

3.2.2Connecting to the NWA1300-NJ Wirelessly

Use the wireless adapter’s utility installed on the notebook to search for the “SSID_Example” SSID. Then enter the “DoNotStealMyWirelessNetwork” pre- shared key to establish an wireless Internet connection.

Note: The NWA1300-NJ supports IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11n wireless clients. Make sure that your notebook or computer’s wireless adapter supports one of these standards.



NWA1300-NJ User’s Guide