Chapter 6 Administration

Table 14 ADMINISTRATION > SNMP > Configure SNMPv3 User Profile (continued)



Access Type

Specify the access right for the admin login account. The user account


has read right only.


readwrite - the account has read and write rights, meaning that the


user can create and edit the MIBs on the NWA1300-NJ, except the user


account and AAA configuration.


readonly - the account has read right only, meaning the user can collect


information from the NWA1300-NJ.




Select an authentication algorithm. MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA


(Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash algorithms used to authenticate SNMP


data. SHA authentication is generally considered stronger than MD5, but


is slower.




Specify the encryption method for SNMP communication with this user.


You can choose one of the following:


None - Do not implement encryption for encrypting SNMP packets.


DES - Data Encryption Standard is a widely used (but breakable)


method of data encryption. It applies a 56-bit key to each 64-bit block


of data.


AES - Advanced Encryption Standard is another method for data


encryption that also uses a secret key. AES applies a 128-bit key to


128-bit blocks of data.




Click Reset to reload the default configuration for this screen.




Click Apply to save your changes back to the NWA1300-NJ.





NWA1300-NJ User’s Guide