Chapter 6 Powerline Network Setup Tutorial

Figure 38 Making a New Network with the New Adapter

3After you have set up a new network, you are ready to connect each powerline adapter on your new network to devices, for example, a computer or a games console.

6.1.5Splitting a Network into Two Networks

This section shows you how to split your existing network into two networks. This is useful if you want to set up a second powerline network in your home, for example, in your study connecting a laptop and printer. See Figure 37 on page 57 for an example.

To set up your existing powerline network you had to set each powerline adapter with the same network name. To move some of these adapters to a new network, you need to give them a new network name.

1Connect a powerline adapter to your computer and open the PLA-4xx Series Configuration Utility (see Section 6.1.2 on page 54).

2The utility should open to the configuration tab as shown below. A list of powerline adapters on your network displays. These adapters all have the same network name as the adapter you are connected to. The adapter you are connected to will appear as Local in this table. All others are listed as Remote.



PLA-4xx Series User’s Guide