Subaru Robin Power Products EY20V 11- 1-3ELECTRICAL System, 11-2ENGINGEMIFIRES, 11-3ENGINE Stops

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Check the followings for lackof sparks.

1)Leads of the ignition coil, spark plug or contact breaker disconnected.

2)Ignition coil damaged and shorted.

3)Spark plug cable wet or soaked withoil.

4)Spark plug dirty or wet.

5)Spark plug electrode gap incorrect.

6)Spark plug electrodes in contact with each other.

7)Contact breaker point pitted or fused.


9)Condernser leaking or grounded.



1)Incorrect spark plug electrodge gap. Adjust it to anywhere between 0.6 and 0.7 mm.

2)Ignition cable worn and leaking.


4)Ignition wire connections loose.

5)Pitted or worn breaker points.

6)Waterin gasoline.



1)Fuel tank empty. Water, dirt, gum, etc. in gasoline.

2)Vapor lock, i. e., gasoline evaporating in the fuel lines due to overheat around the engine.

3)Vapor lock in the fuel lines or carburetor due to theuse of too volatile winter gas in the hot season.

4)Air vent hole in the fuel tankcap plugged.

5)Bearing parts seized due t o lack of oil.

6)Magneto or ignition coil faulty.


Crankcase oillevel low. Add oil immediately. Spark timing incorrect.

Low grade gasoline is used, or engineis overloaded. Cooling air circulation restricted.

Cooling air path misdirectedcauses loss of cooling efficiency. Cylinder head coolingfins clogged up with dirt.

Engine operated in an enclosed space withoutfresh supply of cooling air. Exhaust gas discharge restricted, or carbon depositsin the combustion chamber. Engine running on low-octanegaoline detonates due toheavy load at low speed.

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Contents Page Wisconsin Robin Side ValveContents Basic Theory ofT .I.C Model SPEC1FICATIONSContinuous Rated Output PerformanceFeatures Crankshaft CYLINDER,CRANKCASECamshaft Connecting ROD and Piston6VALVEARRANGEMENT Cooling CylinderheadLubrication 112CARBURETOR 111IGNITIONModel EY15V Sectional View of EngineAir Cleaner Muffler Cover Model EY20V Model EY20V Special Tools Preparations and SuggestionsApplicalbeShape Model Order 3HOW to DisassembleTool Order Exhaust valve Main bearing cover Procedures Remarks OrderProcedures Crankshaft Precaution in reassembling~Sequesnceand precautionsin reassembling MOW to ReassembleEY15V Eyzov Dimensions of Crankshaft PinPeriphery.I Y20 5 Mainbearing Cover Valve and Valve Guide Clearance 6INTAKE and Exhaust Valves7TAPPET Adjustment Kg-cm ’ 5-4-8CYLINDER HeadIntake Manifold 1FUEL Tank Bracket1 7 Recoil Starter 14AIRCLEANERMagneto BreakerpointadjustmentTo 6-3TIMING Adjustment MagnetoTiming Adjustment See Figs ,43 C. Transistorignitioncircuit MagnetotroubleshootingSpark Testing Solidstate IgnitionPoint where the governorspring is to be hooked GovernoradjustmentDiscrimination accordingto the dimensions Page 1 Float System Carburetor2 Pilotsystem Disassembly and Reassembly1 Throttle System Float System BREAK-IN Operation of Reassembledengine IO. Robin Solid State Ignition Engine FeaturesBasic Theory of T.I.C. See Fig 11- 1-2 Compression System 11- 1 Starting Difficulties11- 4 Engine Overheats 11- 1-3ELECTRICAL System11-2ENGINGEMIFIRES 11-3ENGINE StopsEnginebackfires through Carburetor EngineknocksExhaust Gasdischarge InstallationPower Transmission to Drivenmachines VENT1LATIONBreaker Point Ignition Type WiringSolid State Ignition Type Checks and Corrections Table of Correctionstandards 1.o 10*0.02 #20 220 Every 100 200 Hours Monthly Checks and Maintenance Daily Checks and MaintenanceEvery 20 Hours Checks and Maintenance 15-3EVERY 50 Hours IO Dayschecks and MaintenanceEvery 1000 Hours Yearly Checks and Maintenance Every 500 600 Hours Semiannual Checks and MaintenancePREPARATiON for Longabeyance Page Page Page Page Industrial Engines