Subaru Robin Power Products EY20V, EY15V manual Installation, VENT1LATION, Exhaust Gasdischarge

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Engine life, ease of maintenance and inspection, frequency of checks and repairs, and operating cost all de- pend on the way in whichthe engine is installed.Carefullyobserve the following instructions for installing the engine.


When mounting the engine, carefully examine its position, the method of connecting it to aload (machine), the foundation, and the mehtod of supporting the engine.

When determining its mounting position, in particular, make sure that gasoline and oil can easily be supplied and checked, the spark plug can easily be checked, the air cleaner can easily be serviced, and that the oil can easily be discharges.


Fresh air is necessary for cooling the engine and burning the fuel.

In case where the engine is operated under a hood or in a

small room, temperature rise in the engine room

can causevaporlock,

oil deterioration, increased oil consumption, loss of power,pistonseizure,shorter

engine life, etc,, making it impossible to operate the engine properly. It is necessary, therefore, to providea duct or baffle to guide cooling air to the engine to prevent recirculation of he hot air used for engine cooling, and temperature rise of the load (machine).

Take steps as necessary to keep the engine room temperature below 50°C even in the hottest period of the year.


Exhaust gas is noxious. When operating the engine indoors, be sure t o discharge the exhaust gas outdoors. If a long exhaust pipe is used in such a case, the internal resistance increases causing loss of engine power. Thus pipe inside diameter must increase in proportion to exhaust pipe length.

Exhaust pipe: Less than 3 m long, pipe inside diameter 25 mm, Less than 5 m long, pipe inside diameter 30 mm.



Take the following notes into consideration.

*V-belts are preferable to flat belts.

*The driving shaft of the engine must be parallel to the driven shaft of the load.

*The driving pulley of the engine must be in line with the driven pulley of the load.

*Install the engine pulley as close to the engine as possible.

*If possible, span the belt horizontally.

*Disengage the load when starting the engine.

I f n o clutch is used, use a belt tension pulley or the like.


When using a flexible coupling, runout and misalignment between the driven shaft and engine shaft must be minimized. Runout and misalignment tolerance are specified by the coupling manufacturer.

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Contents Page Wisconsin Robin Side ValveContents Basic Theory ofT .I.C Model SPEC1FICATIONSContinuous Rated Output PerformanceFeatures Crankshaft CYLINDER,CRANKCASEConnecting ROD and Piston Camshaft6VALVEARRANGEMENT Cylinderhead CoolingLubrication 112CARBURETOR 111IGNITIONModel EY15V Sectional View of EngineAir Cleaner Muffler Cover Model EY20V Model EY20V Special Tools Preparations and SuggestionsApplicalbeShape Model Order 3HOW to DisassembleTool Order Exhaust valve Main bearing cover Procedures Remarks OrderProcedures ~Sequesnceand precautionsin reassembling Precaution in reassemblingMOW to Reassemble CrankshaftEY15V Eyzov Dimensions of Crankshaft PinPeriphery.I Y20 5 Mainbearing Cover Valve and Valve Guide Clearance 6INTAKE and Exhaust Valves7TAPPET Adjustment Kg-cm ’ 5-4-8CYLINDER HeadIntake Manifold 1FUEL Tank Bracket1 7 Recoil Starter 14AIRCLEANERTo 6-3TIMING Adjustment BreakerpointadjustmentMagneto MagnetoTiming Adjustment See Figs ,43 Spark Testing MagnetotroubleshootingSolidstate Ignition C. TransistorignitioncircuitGovernoradjustment Point where the governorspring is to be hookedDiscrimination accordingto the dimensions Page 1 Float System CarburetorDisassembly and Reassembly 2 Pilotsystem1 Throttle System Float System BREAK-IN Operation of Reassembledengine Features IO. Robin Solid State Ignition EngineBasic Theory of T.I.C. See Fig 11- 1-2 Compression System 11- 1 Starting Difficulties11-2ENGINGEMIFIRES 11- 1-3ELECTRICAL System11-3ENGINE Stops 11- 4 Engine OverheatsEnginebackfires through Carburetor EngineknocksPower Transmission to Drivenmachines InstallationVENT1LATION Exhaust GasdischargeWiring Breaker Point Ignition TypeSolid State Ignition Type Checks and Corrections Table of Correctionstandards 1.o 10*0.02 #20 220 Every 20 Hours Checks and Maintenance Daily Checks and Maintenance15-3EVERY 50 Hours IO Dayschecks and Maintenance Every 100 200 Hours Monthly Checks and MaintenanceEvery 500 600 Hours Semiannual Checks and Maintenance Every 1000 Hours Yearly Checks and MaintenancePREPARATiON for Longabeyance Page Page Page Page Industrial Engines