Subaru Robin Power Products EY15V Magnetotroubleshooting, Spark Testing, Solidstate Ignition

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5 ) Remove the flywheel without turning crankshaft at all.

6)Loosen the lock screw of the breaker point support plateso that the breaker point canbe rotated.

7)By rotating the support plate of the breaker point, find the exact point when the buzzer within timing tester starts ringing from being silent. (See Figs. 43 and 44.)

8) Put the flywheel back and check by rotating flywheel slowly. If the buzzer in timing tester starts ring- ing when line mark on the flywheel is in the line with line mark on the crankcase.When the line marks are in alignment, the timingis correct.

9)If the timing mark lines are not in alignment, then readjust the point opening accordingto the BREAK-

ER POINT ADJUSTMENT,by removing the flywheel and repeat the checking procedure3) through 5 ) .

10)After completing the timing adjustment remount the blower housing and connect the coil primary lead to the stop switch.


When the engine does not start or starts with difficulty, or when its operationisunstable, the following tests will clarify if they are caused by a defectin the magneto.

1)Check igntion cable for possible corrosion, broken, worn insulator or loose connection.

2)Check the sparkingas described later in this section.

3)Check if thebreakerpointsrequire cleaning, or adjustingornot.Ifthepoints are badlycorrodedor pitted, condenser mayhave to be replaced too.


4)If no spark takes place, replace ignitioncoil.


Remove spark plug from cylinder head and place it on blower housing, with the ignition cable connected to it.

Crank the engine serveral times by starting pulley and observe the sparkin the spark gap of spark plug. If the spark is strong, the ignition systemcan be eliminated as the source of trouble.

if the spark is weak or there is no spark at all, repeat the checks accordingto the procedures 1) through


The correct electrode gap is 0.6 0.7 mm. (Refer to section ”13. CHECKS and CORRECTIONS.”)


Thefollowing solid stateignitionsystemsare available as optional part of EY 15V; and to EY20Vengine these systems are equipped as standard parts.


On the outsideof the flywheel, an ignitioncoil is installed, which is so-called outer coil type. This is equipped to the standard type engine, and the excitor coil (primary-excitation) is available asan optional part. (The flywheel is for common use.) (See Fig. 52.)



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Contents Page Side Valve Wisconsin RobinContents Basic Theory ofT .I.C SPEC1FICATIONS ModelPerformance Continuous Rated OutputFeatures CYLINDER,CRANKCASE CrankshaftCamshaft Connecting ROD and Piston6VALVEARRANGEMENT Cooling CylinderheadLubrication 111IGNITION 112CARBURETORSectional View of Engine Model EY15VAir Cleaner Muffler Cover Model EY20V Model EY20V Preparations and Suggestions Special ToolsApplicalbeShape Model 3HOW to Disassemble OrderTool Order Exhaust valve Main bearing cover Procedures Remarks OrderProcedures MOW to Reassemble Precaution in reassembling~Sequesnceand precautionsin reassembling CrankshaftDimensions of Crankshaft Pin EY15V EyzovPeriphery.I Y20 5 Mainbearing Cover 6INTAKE and Exhaust Valves Valve and Valve Guide Clearance7TAPPET Adjustment ’ 5-4-8CYLINDER Head Kg-cm1FUEL Tank Bracket Intake Manifold14AIRCLEANER 1 7 Recoil StarterMagneto BreakerpointadjustmentTo 6-3TIMING Adjustment MagnetoTiming Adjustment See Figs ,43 Solidstate Ignition MagnetotroubleshootingSpark Testing C. TransistorignitioncircuitPoint where the governorspring is to be hooked GovernoradjustmentDiscrimination accordingto the dimensions Page Carburetor 1 Float System2 Pilotsystem Disassembly and Reassembly1 Throttle System Float System BREAK-IN Operation of Reassembledengine IO. Robin Solid State Ignition Engine FeaturesBasic Theory of T.I.C. See Fig 11- 1 Starting Difficulties 11- 1-2 Compression System11-3ENGINE Stops 11- 1-3ELECTRICAL System11-2ENGINGEMIFIRES 11- 4 Engine OverheatsEngineknocks Enginebackfires through CarburetorVENT1LATION InstallationPower Transmission to Drivenmachines Exhaust GasdischargeBreaker Point Ignition Type WiringSolid State Ignition Type Checks and Corrections Table of Correctionstandards 1.o 10*0.02 #20 220 15-3EVERY 50 Hours IO Dayschecks and Maintenance Daily Checks and MaintenanceEvery 20 Hours Checks and Maintenance Every 100 200 Hours Monthly Checks and MaintenanceEvery 1000 Hours Yearly Checks and Maintenance Every 500 600 Hours Semiannual Checks and MaintenancePREPARATiON for Longabeyance Page Page Page Page Industrial Engines