Craftsman C950-52943-0 owner manual Featuresand Controls, R 1, Snowthrowerand Enginecontrols

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Snow Thrower Controls

figure 12



A.Speed Select Lever- Allowstheoperatorto useoneof six(6) forwardandtwo(2)reversespeeds(seeFigure12).Toshift,move speedselectleverto desiredposition.

NOTICE:Do not move speed select lever while Traction Drive Clutch is engaged. This may result in severe damage to drive system.

B.Auger Drive Clutch Lever-- Usedto engageanddisengagethe augerandimpeller.Toengagepushdown,to disengagerelease.

C.Traction Drive Clutch Lever-- Usedto propelsnowthrowerfor- wardor reversePushdownto. engage,releaseto disengage.

D.Chute Rotation Crank --Usedto changedirectionof thesnow

dischargeTurnhandleclockwiseto. turnchuteto right.Turnhandle counterclockwiseto turn chuteto left.

E.ChuteDeflectorWing Nut -- Usedto controltheangleof the chutedeflector(upor down).

f.Clean-Out Tool-- Usedto removesnowanddebrisfromthedis- chargechuteandtheaugerhousing.

G.Skid Shoe -- Usedto adjustgroundclearanceofaugerhousing.

H.Headlight-- Usedto operatethesnowthrowerin poorlighting conditions.

I.Toolbox -- Spareshearpins,shearboltwrenchesandspacersare locatedin toolbox.


Image 15
Contents You must read Understand this owners UnitSerial No Engine Date PurchasedTelephone Tableofcontents Safety Alert Symboland SignalWords Hazard Symbols and MeaningsDAHGER- Amputation Hazard Discharge Chute OperatorsafetyControl Symbols on Equipment Readthe ManualTransportwithfueltankEMPTY,orwithfuelshut-offvalveOFE Operationand EquipmentSafetyFuel Handling WhentransportingequipmentChildren Engine SafetyMoving Parts Thrown ObjectsMaintenanceand Storage ProductID Humber Auger ControlDecal EngineDecals Part HoPart Ho Shift Decal TractionControl DecalToolsrequiredforassemblycontentsof SHiPPiNGCARTON AssemblyUnpackingthe Snowthrower Clutch Control Cables RemovethepackingmaterialfromthehandleassemblyCheckthe Cables Upper HandleAssembly CrankAssemblyFigure5Lowerhandle Check the CablesSpeed Select Lever Assembly Shifter HandleShift Lever and Bracket Control Paneland Shifter Bracket Shownin Headlight AssemblyHeadlightAssembly Removethe nutA, andIockwasherBfromthecarriage boltCSnowthrowercontrols Featuresand ControlsR 1 Snowthrowerand EnginecontrolsEnginecontrols EngineControlsPoor ventilated area. Engine exhaust contains Carbon Operatethe SnowthrowerUP DisengagePosition Snow thrower is clear of bystandersor obstaclesBelow, use a synthetic5W30 motor oil for easier starting TRACTIONLOCKPiNSCarelessly ReleasethetractiondriveclutchleverBStart the Engine When handling or storing gasoline. Turnengine offPower receptacle Engine or significantly reducethe performanceStop the Engine InsertingSafetyKeyRapidlyto avoid kickback Or a similarly qualified personto avoid a hazardOperatingtips Cleara CloggeddischargechuteSafety Checkto MakeSure AugerBladeStopsWithin SecondsAfterRightEngine ChuteRotationGear LubricatingAugerGearBox EquivalentMaximum3.-1/4 ounces,92gramsshouldbeusedFull CheckCrankcaseOil Level OilDrainPlug MaintenanceRemove the Snow Hood ConnectingChokeControlKnob SnowThrowerEngineCheckand Replace Spark Plug ADJUSTSKiD HeightRepairs or adjustments To adjustskids, proceed as followsTractionDrive Belt Auger Drive BeltTightennut Auger Drive Cable CheckandadjustthecablesTractionDrive Cable TractionDriveCable CheckAdjustmentofTractionDriveCableCause an increasein air pressure resulting in an AUGERSHEARPiN ReplacementAny cover or guard is removed IncorrectlyDuring storage OffseasonstorageLUBRICATEHE× Shaftand Chains RemovefromstorageTROUBLESHOOT/NG Problem LookforTROLIBLESHOOT/NG Problem Lookfor RemedyWARRANT/ES Maintenance Agreement Intermediate EnginePower Rating Information Page PTS RepairPartsSeeTraction DriveGroup Craftsman 27 Snowthrower C950-52943-O Engine & FrameEngine Frame Craftsman 27 Snowthrower C950-52943-0Footnotes Traction Drive Traction Drive Auger Housing 16 X 3/4 Discharge Chute Chute Assembly Handle Assembly Handle Upper Chute Rod 852-7Assembly Yoke & ROD Control Panel Description Control PanelDecals Decals Gear Case QTY Description REF noWheels Wheels Headlight 623629 630 Footnotes PTS Replacement Engine 742 692564Ring MSC000099 Assemblies include all parts shown in frames 472 791948 Knob-Choke Shaft 104 694918 694874 Gasket-Intake 137 698781 Gasket-Float604 r 564 604A 694867 Spring-Governor 505 691251 Nut Red 695307 Spring Control Lever Governed Idle 562 793216 Bolt694864 Lever Governor Control Control Lever Pawl Friction Plate 78 %699047 Guard-Flywheel 597 691696 6967101005 492341 Armature-Magneto 851 692424 Terminal-Spark 793206 Wire-Stop 1009 795012 Screw792576 Wire Assembly 1119 699772 Screw 795909 Motor-Starter 735 795901 Cord-StarterSnow Hood Assemblies 391086s Seal-Oil 358 795201 Gasket Engine Briggs & Stratton Model 20M114-O141-E1Needle Nut, 1/2 ScrewWrench & Fastener Size Guide Manueln R6vA07/2009 Ville Souffleuse neige Num6ro de modeleNum6ro de s6rie Num6ro de s6rie Dale dachal Adresse du magasin dachalReiviisage Sicuriti DE Lopirateur AssemblageUtilisation EntretienSymboledalertede scurit6 et rootsde signal Renseignementset symbolesde dangerDAHGER- Risque damputatien Lecturedu manuel Symbolesde commandesur YequipementCuritSimalut,is. oumalentretenue,cecie tre SecuritedeloperateurResulteralamortoublessuregrave 0bjets projet6sS6curit6de moteur EnfantsS6curit6du moteur suivre Efltretienet entreposage Explosionetfeupeuenr6sulterHlllll!ff!l,, LamiseenmarchedumoteurproduitdelachaleurLes Arrire du carter du moteur CommandodeCouteau Souffleuseaneige Clesde1/2 pouceoudes amolette 4-20 x 1.75 Vis EntretoisePommeau Rep6rezet retirezlesacdepiecesd6tach6es DeballageMontagedelapoignee Superieureet DELAIViANIVELLEMontagede la manivelle Poignedu slecteur devitesses MontagedelasilecteurdevitesseMontagedu phare Montagede la goulotteFiemafique Ne pas deplacer le levier de vitesse alors que FONCTION$ET COMMA/l/DESBouchondhuilede rernpiissagejauge dhuiiealiong Commandesde moteur COlVlIVlANDESDU IVlOTEURDroitedelagoulotted@ection Leviersde commandeUtilisationdela Souffleusea NEiGE D6marrerlemoteurVoir. D6marrerlemoteur,, dartscettesectionREiVlARQUF Le rnoteurest iivr dusinerernpii dhuile UtilisationTraction Goupille DE SURET! f Arreter LA Souffleuse a NeigeHEPASFUIVlERlurant le rempJissagelu rservoir. He jamais UT/L/SAT/ONREIVlPLIRLE RiSERVOIRDESSENCE DEIVlARRERLEiVIOTEURMoteur ne d6marre pus sansla cl de contact/scurit UT/USAT/ONAVERTiSSEIVlENT Si le cordonest endommag, ii dolt D6cartertout dangerDiGAGERUNE GOULOTTEDiJECTIONOBSTRUiE ArreterlemoteurNettoyerlasouffleuseaneigeavecsoinapreschaqueutilisation Moteur EntretienUsage Usage Heures Heures Heures Saison NeigeGraissagede Larbredevis SANSFiN ENTRET/ENGraissagede LABOiTEDENGRENAGEDEVIS SANSFiNVidangerihuiie ENTRETiENDUiVIOTEURChangerla BOUGIEDALLUIVlAGE D6poserle capot neige LabougieEestapresentaccessibleRgler ou changerla bougie Rlglerla HauteurdespatinsMme hauteur des deux c0ts AVERTISSEMENTNe pas trop serrer car ceJapeut AJUSTEIVlENTDESCOURROIESCourroie dentrainementde traction Courroie dentrainementde vissansfinR6glage du ¢ble de commande des lames AJUSTEIVlENTDU GuidedecourroieVerifierlescbles AVERTISSEiVlENTVidanger Jesseflce Jextrieur Reglage du cble decorflrnandede la tractionNs pas gonfler iss pneos-dsssusde ia prsssion Changerlesgoupillesde CISAILLEIVlENT Devis SANSFiNIMPORTANT Ns pas rsmplacsrIss goupiiies ds cisaillement CONTRgLER LES PneusRemisage ReivusagehorssaisonLubrifier Larbrehexagonalet CHAiNES Cherchezpour PuslectriqueLa barre de raclage ne PROBLFIVlETa souffleuse Neige vire dunc0t6Garantie limit e de Craftsman GARANT/ESGARAtVT/ES Modern Vitessesdentrainement Inforrnations concernantla puissancethoriquedu moteurDomicilio Para Ordenar piezas LE-FOYER