Thisengineis certifiedto operateongasoline.ExhaustEmissionControl System:EM(EngineModifications).
Fillthefueltankwithfresh,clean,unleadedregular,unleadedpremium,orre- formulatedautomotivegasolinewitha minimumof 85octanealongwitha fuelstabilizer(followinstructionsonfuelstabilizerpackage)DONOTuse. leadedgasoline.Werecommendthatfuelstabilizerbeaddedto thefuel eachtimethatgasolineis addedtothefueltank.
NOTE:Winter grade gasoline has higher volatility to improve starting. Be certain containeris clean and free from rust or other foreign particles. Never use gasoline that may be stale from long periodsof storagein the container.
,_b CAUTION:DO NOTuse gasoline containingany amount of alcohol as it cancauseserious damage to
the engine or significantly reducethe performance.
BesurethatengineoilisatFULLmarkontheoilfill cap/dipstickThesnow. throwerengineisequippedwithanA.C.electricstarterandrecoilstarterBefore.
Ifenginefloods,setthechoketotheOPEN/RUNpositionandcrankuntiltheen- ginestarts.
,_ WARNING:Theelectric starteris equippedwith a
householdcurrentThepowercord.must be properly groundedat all times toavoid thepossibilityof electric shockwhich cancauseinjuryto theoperator.Followall instructionscarefullyas set forth:
Ifyou are notsure,aska licensedelectricianIf. yourhousedoes nothavea
If yourhousehas a
,_h WARNING:To connectpower cord, always connectthe
power cordfirst to the switch box located on the engine and then plug the other end into a
WARNING:To disconnectthe power cord, always unplug the end connectedto the
_ | ARNING:Gasolineis flammable. Always use caution |
| when handlingor storinggasoline. Turnengineoff and |
let enginecoolat least two minutes beforeremovingthe gas cap. Do not add gasoline tothe fuel tankwhile snowthrower is running,hot, or when snow throweris in an enclosed area. Keep away from open flame, electricalsparksand DONOT
SMOKEwhilefilling the fuel tank. Never fiil the fuel tank
completely;butfill thefuel tankto
ram) from thetop to providespace for the expansionof the fuel. Alwaysfill fuel tankoutdoors and usea funnel or spout to preventspilling. Makesure to wipe up any spilled fuel before starting the engine.
Store gasoline in a clean, approvedcontainer,and keep the cap in placeon the container.Keepgasoline in a coolwell ventilatedplace; neverin the house.Never buy more than a 30 day supply of gasoline to assure volatility.Gasolineis intendedto be usedas a fuel for internalcombustionengines; therefore,do notuse gasoline for any other purpose. Since many childrenlike the smell of gasoline, keep it out of their reach becausethe fumesare dangerousto inhale, as well as
being explosive.
Start the engine as follows:
4.Insertthesafetykey(A, Figure19)into thesafetykeyslotandpush fullyin to theRUNposition.
5.Turnthechokeknob(B)fully clockwiseif engineis cold. NOTE:Do not use the choketo start a warm engine.
NOTE:Do not usethe primer to start a warm engine.
NOTE:Ensurethat electric extension cordis removedfrom the
power receptacle.