Ariens 926042 quick start Step One Unfold Handlebar

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Step One:

Unfold Handlebar

1.Remove the lower and loosen the upper hardware on the handlebar assembly.

2.Loosen the hardware on the shift rod.

3.Put the speed selector lever in the second reverse position.

4.Rotate the handlebar into operating position.

NOTE: The handlebar has two height positions. Adjust the handlebar height to provide better operator comfort. See Handlebar Height in Owner Manual.

5.Install and tighten the hardware on the handlebar assembly and shift rod.

6.Check tension on auger and traction clutch cables.

IMPORTANT: Cables should not be slack nor under tension. Adjust as necessary.

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Contents Quick Start Guide Step One Unfold Handlebar Step Two Install Discharge Chute Step Three Install Chute Control Assembly Remove the gear cover from top of chute pedestalStep Three Install Chute Control Assembly Step Four Install Discharge Chute Rod Step Four Install Discharge Chute Rod Step Five Install Remote Deflector Control Cable Step Six Check Function of Dual Handle Interlock Step Seven Check Track Tension Step Eight Adjust Skid Shoes Step Nine Check Auger Gearcase Oil Step Ten Check Engine Crankcase Oil Step Eleven Fill Engine Fuel Tank Step Twelve Starting the Engine Starting Engine / Step a Throttle Starting Engine / Step B Fuel Valve Starting Engine / Step C Key Starting Engine / Step D Choke Starting Engine / Step E Prime Starting Engine / Step F Manual Start Starting Engine / Step F Electric Start Starting Engine / Step G Electric Start Starting Engine / Step H Warm up Step Thirteen Stopping the Engine Additional Resources