1.Two Data Bus Buffers, one for input and one for output. This allows a much cleaner Master/Slave protocol.
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2.8 Bits of Status
ST7 | ST6 | ST5 | ST4 | F1 | F0 | IBF | OBF |
D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 D2 D1 | D0 |
ST4 – ST7 are user definable status bits. These bits are defined by the ‘‘MOV STS, A’’ single byte, single cycle instruction. Bits 4 – 7 of the acccumulator are moved to bits 4 – 7 of the status register. Bits 0 – 3 of the status register are not affected.
MOV STS, A | Op Code: 90H |
| |||
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
D7 |
| D0 |
3.RD and WR are edge triggered. IBF, OBF, F1 and INT change internally after the trailing edge of RD or WR.
During the time that the host CPU is reading the status register, the UPI is prevented from updat- ing this register or is ‘locked out.’
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4.P24 and P25 are port pins or Buffer Flag pins which can be used to interrupt a master proces- sor. These pins default to port pins on Reset.
If the ‘‘EN FLAGS’’ instruction has been execut-
ed, P24 becomes the OBF (Output Buffer Full) pin. A ‘‘1’’ written to P24 enables the OBF pin (the pin outputs the OBF Status Bit). A ‘‘0’’ written to
P24 disables the OBF pin (the pin remains low). This pin can be used to indicate that valid data is available from the UPI (in Output Data Bus Buff- er).
If ‘‘EN FLAGS’’ has been executed, P25 be- comes the IBF (Input Buffer Full) pin. A ‘‘1’’ writ-
ten to P25 enables the IBF pin (the pin outputs the inverse of the IBF Status Bit. A ‘‘0’’ written to
P25 disables the IBF pin (the pin remains low). This pin can be used to indicate that the UPI is ready for data.
Data Bus Buffer Interrupt Capability
| 290414 – 7 | |
| EN FLAGS | Op Code: 0F5H |
| ||||
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
| D7 |
| D0 |
5.P26 and P27 are port pins or DMA handshake pins for use with a DMA controller. These pins default to port pins on Reset.
If the ‘‘EN DMA’’ instruction has been executed,
P26 becomes the DRQ (DMA Request) pin. A ‘‘1’’ written to P26 causes a DMA request (DRQ is activated). DRQ is deactivated by DACK#RD, DACK#WR, or execution of the ‘‘EN DMA’’ in- struction.
DMA Handshake Capability
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