Saving the index images
The displayed thumbnail images can be saved in one image file. An index scan of all the frames in the film holder, including empty frames, must be made before the index thumbnails can be saved.
Click the save
Enter the file name, and select the file destination and file format for the image data. Click the save button. File formats that can be selected with Windows operating systems are Bitmap (BTM) or JPEG, and with Macintosh are Pict or JPEG. The film holder does not have to be in the scanner to save the images.
Saving an index file
The index thumbnails can be saved as an index file. The index file can be loaded into the scanner so that the index scan does not need to be made again. The index image file format is unique to this software. An index scan of all the frames in the film holder, including empty frames, must be made before the index thumbnails can be saved.
Click the save
Enter the file name and select the file destination. Click the save button. The film holder does not have to be in the scan- ner to save the file.
Loading an index file
An index file can be displayed in the index window of the util- ity software.
Click the load
Select the index file to be loaded. Click the open button. The current index display will be replaced with the images in the new file.