Chapter 4. Windows NT Installation
4.Choose Add and select OK when the Setup message prompts, “Are you sure you want to add a SCSI Adapter?”
5.On the SCSI Adapter list go to the bottom and choose HAVE DISK on NT4.0.
6.When prompted, insert the SCSI Driver disk. For the path to the files, leave a:\ and select OK.
7.On the Select OEM Option menu, the miniport driver, Symbios Logic (SYMC8XX), is shown highlighted. If it is not highlighted, select it. Choose OK.
8.At this point the following message might appear:
“The driver(s) for this SCSI Adapter are already on the system. Do you want to use the currently installed driver(s) or install new one(s)?”
Selecting Current uses the driver already on the system, and selecting New uses the driver on the floppy disk. If you choose New, go to Step 9; if you choose Current, go to Step 10.
9.For the path to the OEM SCSI adapter files, leave a:\winnt\miniport and select Continue. Go to Step 11.
10.On the SCSI Adapter Setup menu, choose Close.
11.Reboot to load your new miniport driver.
12.The SYMC8XX.SYS Miniport Driver is now installed on your system. To verify this return to Start/Settings/Control_Panel and select SCSI Adapters. Then select Drivers. You will see SYMBIOS LOGIC PCI[53C8XX] listed.
You might experience a problem while installing the driver. Here are some problems that can occur, along with suggestions about how to correct them.
4.3.1 No SCSI Devices Are Found During Installation
If this problem occurs, you might be able to correct it by doing one or more of the following steps.
1.Ensure that you have read and followed the instructions in Section 4.2, Installing the SYMC8XX.SYS Miniport Driver.
2.Ensure that all devices have power and are terminated properly.
3.Check that no devices have duplicate SCSI IDs (check the device installation guide for how to set the SCSI IDs on each disk); the Host Adapter defaults to 7.