Appendice A. IBM Lotus Software Offer
As a qualifying desktop or notepad computer customer, you are receiving a single, limited license for the Lotus Notes ″standalone″ client and a single license for the Lotus SmartSuite software. These licenses entitle you to install and use this software on your new personal computer using one of the following options:
vMedia for this software is not included in this offer. Se non si dispone dei supporti per il software Lotus Notes Client o Lotus SmartSuite, è possibile ordinare un CD e installare il software sul proprio elaboratore. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare la sezione “Per ordinare un CD” a pagina 32.
vIf you already have a licensed copy of the software, you are entitled to make and use one additional copy of the software you have.
About IBM Lotus Notes
With your standalone, limited use Notes client, you can integrate your most valuable messaging, collaborative and personal information management (PIM) resources
Informazioni su IBM Lotus SmartSuite
Lotus SmartSuite presenta applicazioni potenti con tempi brevi di elaborazione che forniscono un notevole supporto e una guida per le singole attività.
vLotus Word Pro – Word Processor
vLotus Freelance Graphics – Presentation Graphics
vLotus Approach – Database
vLotus Organizer – Time, Contact, and Information Manager
vLotus FastSite – Web Publisher
vLotus SmartCenter – Internet Information Manager
Assistenza clienti
Per informazioni sui numeri telefonici e sull’assistenza per l’installazione iniziale del software, visitare il sito Web all’indirizzo http://www.lenovo.com/think/support. To purchase technical support beyond this initial installation support, visit http://www.lotus.com/passport.
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