| 5. When a Dolby Digital or DTS source is playing, | | Station Selection | | | | | | Preset Tuning | |
| it is not possible to make an analog recording | 1. Press the AM/FM Tuner Select Button k | Using the remote, up to 30 stations may be |
| using the Tape ¶ and Video 1 Record Outputs | on the remote to select the tuner as an input. | stored in the receiver’s memory for easy recall |
| ›fi. However, the digital signals will be passed | The tuner may be selected from the front panel | using the front panel controls or the remote. |
| through to the Digital Audio Output ¡. | by either pressing the Input Source Selector | To enter a station into the memory, first tune the |
| | | | | ! until the tuner is active or by pressing the |
| | PCM Audio Playback | station using the steps outlined above. Then: |
| | Tuner Band Selector 9 at any time. | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) is the noncom- | 2. Press the AM/FM Tuner Select Button k | 1. Press the Memory Button | on the |
| pressed digital audio system used for compact | remote. Note that the MEMORY Indicator Q |
| discs and laser discs. The digital circuits in the | or Tuner Band Selector 9 again to switch | will be illuminated and flash in the Main |
| DCR600II are capable of high-quality digital-to-ana- | between AM and FM so that the desired | Information Display (. | |
| log decoding, and they may be connected directly | frequency band is selected. | | | | 2. Within five seconds, press the Numeric |
| to the digital audio output of your CD player. | | | | | | |
| 3. Press the FM Mode Button @ | to select | Keys | – | corresponding to the |
| | | | |
| Connections may | be made to the rear panel | manual or automatic tuning. | | | | location where you wish to store this station’s |
| Optical or Coaxial | Inputs ™£. | When the AUTO Indicator T is illuminated in | frequency. Once entered, the preset number will |
| | | | | appear in the Preset Number/Sleep Timer |
| To listen to a PCM | digital source, first select the | the Main Information Display U the tuner |
| Display N. | | |
| input for the desired source (e.g., CD). Next press | will stop only at those stations that have a signal | 3. | Repeat the | process after tuning any additional |
| the Digital | Select | Button * | and then | strong enough to be received with acceptable |
| |
| stations to be | preset. | | |
| use the ⁄/¤ Buttons y | on the remote, | quality. | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| or the Selector Buttons 5 on the front panel, | When the AUTO Indicator T is not illuminated, | | | Recalling Preset Stations |
| until the desired digital input choice, e.g. | | |
| the tuner is in a manual mode and will stop at | • To manually select a station previously |
| COAX 2 or OPTICAL 1, appears in the |
| each frequency increment in the selected band. | entered in the preset memory, press the |
| Main Information Display U. | Numeric Keys | – | that |
| Press and hold the Tuning Selector Button 8 |
| | | | | correspond to the desired station’s memory |
| When a PCM source is playing, the PCM | to search more quickly. | | |
| | | location. | | |
| Indicator A will light. During PCM playback, | 4. To select stations, press the Tuning Selector | • To manually tune through the list of stored |
| you may select any surround mode except |
| Button 8 | . When the AUTO | | | preset stations one by one, press the Preset |
| Dolby Digital or DTS. | | | |
| | Indicator T is lit, press the button for two | Stations Selector Buttons ) | on |
| | | | |
| | | | | the front panel or remote. | |
| Playback from PCM sources may also benefit | seconds and then release to cause the tuner to | |
| | | | | | |
| from the Logic 7 mode. When playing back a | search for the next highest- or lowest-frequency | | | Tape Recording | |
| surround-encoded PCM source, such as a sur- | station that has an acceptable signal. When | In normal operation, the audio or video source |
| round-encoded CD, use the Logic 7 C (or Cinema) | tuning FM stations in the Auto mode, the tuner |
| selected for listening through the DCR600II is |
| mode. When playing true stereo recordings, use | will select only stereo stations. To tune to the |
| sent to the record outputs. This means that any |
| the Logic 7 M (or Music) mode for a wider | next station, press the button again. If the |
| program you are watching or listening to may be |
| soundstage and increased rear-channel ambience. | STEREO Indicator R is not lit, tap the Tuning |
| recorded simply by placing machines connected |
| | | | | Selector Button 8 | | to advance one |
| Similarly, the Dolby Pro Logic II modes may also | | to the outputs for Tape Outputs ¶ or Video 1 |
| frequency increment at a time, or press and hold |
| Outputs ›fi in the Record mode. |
| increase your enjoyment of PCM and analog | it to locate a specific station. When the TUNED |
| When a digital audio recorder is connected to |
| sources. Choose the Music mode for stereo | Indicator S lights, the station is properly |
| recordings. For surround-encoded sources, you | tuned and should be heard with clarity. | | | the Digital Audio Output ¡, you are able to |
| may choose either the Emulation mode or the | 5. Stations may also be tuned directly by press- | record the digital signal using a CD-R, MiniDisc |
| Movies mode, which more closely re-creates a | or other digital recording system. | |
| Dolby Digital sound field with discrete informa- | ing the Direct Button | | , and then pressing | NOTES: | | | | |
| tion provided to the surround channels. | the Numeric Keys | – | | that | | | | |
| | • The digital outputs are active only when a |
| | | | | correspond to the station’s frequency. The | |
| With the great variety of surround modes avail- | | digital signal is present, and they do not |
| desired station will automatically be tuned. If | |
| | convert an analog input to a digital signal, |
| able on the DCR600II receiver, you are encour- | you press an incorrect button while entering a | |
| | or change the format of the digital signal. |
| aged to experiment to find the modes that suit | direct frequency, press the Clear Button | |
| | In addition, the digital recorder must be |
| your tastes, as well as different modes depend- | to start over. | | | | | |
| | | | | | compatible with the output signal. For |
| ing on the source material. | | | | | | | |
| | NOTE: When the FM reception of a station is | example, the PCM digital input from a CD |
| | Operating the Tuner |
| | weak, audio quality will be increased by switching | player may be recorded on a CD-R or |
| The tuner of the DCR600II is capable of tuning | to Mono mode by pressing the FM Mode | MiniDisc, but Dolby Digital or DTS signals |
| AM, FM and FM Stereo broadcast stations. | Button @ | until the STEREO Indicator | may not. | | |
| Stations may be tuned manually, or they may be | R goes out. | | | | | | • Please make certain that you are aware of |
| stored as favorite station presets and recalled | | | | | | | any copyright restrictions on any material you |
| from a 30-position memory. | | | | | | | | copy. Unauthorized duplication of copyrighted |
| | | | | | | | | | | materials is prohibited by federal law. |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | (continued) | 55 |