| 9. When you have completed your selection for | Adjusting the Output Levels | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| the surround channel, press the Set Button | Output level adjustment is a key part of the | | | | | |
| ^, and then press the Selector Buttons 5 | configuration process for any surround sound | | | | | |
| on the front panel to change the display to | product. It is particularly important for a Dolby | | | | | |
| S-WSPEAKER. | Digital receiver such as the DCR600II, as correct | | | | | |
| 10. Press the Set Button ^, and then press | outputs will ensure that you hear soundtracks in | | | | | |
| their proper place with the proper directionality | | | | | |
| the Selector Buttons 5 on the front panel | | | | | |
| and intensity. | | | | | |
| to select the option that best describes your | | | | | |
| To adjust and calibrate the output levels, follow |
| |
| system. | IMPORTANT NOTE: Listeners are often |
| these steps. For accurate calibration, it is a |
| The choices available for the subwoofer position | confused about the operation of the surround | good idea to make these adjustments while |
| channels. While some assume that sound | seated in your favorite listening position: |
| will depend on the settings for the other speakers, |
| should always be coming from each speaker, | | | | | |
| particularly the front left/right positions. | 1. Put the DCR600II in the Dolby Pro Logic II mode |
| most of the time there will be little or no sound |
| | | |
| If the front left/right speakers are set to SMALL, | in the surround channels. This is because they | | by pressing the Surround Mode Selector 7 |
| are only used when a movie director or sound | | on the front panel, or by pressing the Surround |
| the subwoofer will automatically be set to SUB, | |
| mixer specifically places sound there to create | | Mode Selector t on the remote, until |
| which is the “on” position. | |
| ambience or a special effect, or to continue | | DOLBY PRO LOGICII – MOVIES |
| | | | |
| If the front | left/right | speakers are set to LARGE, | action from the front of the room to the rear. | | appears in the Main Information Display U |
| three options are | available: | When the output levels are properly set, it is | | and the PRO | LOGIC II Indicator F lights up. |
| • If no subwoofer | is connected to the DCR600II, | normal for surround speakers to operate only | 2. Press the Test Button q on the remote. |
| occasionally. Artificially increasing the volume |
| press the Selector Buttons 5 so that | to the rear speakers may destroy the illusion of | | T-T FL 0dB will appear in the Main |
| SUB NONE appears in the Main | an enveloping sound field that duplicates the | | Information Display U and the letters FL |
| Information Display U. When this option | way you hear sound in a movie theater or con- | | will flash once each second. |
| is selected, all bass information will be routed | cert hall. | 3. The test noise will immediately begin to |
| to the front left/right “main” speakers. | |
| Before beginning the adjustment process, make | | circulate in the speakers in a clockwise |
| | | | |
| • If a subwoofer is connected to the DCR600II, | | rotation, pausing at each position for three |
| certain that all speaker connections have been | |
| you have the option to have the front | properly made. The system volume should be | | seconds. As the test noise rotates, the speaker |
| left/right “main” speakers reproduce bass | set to the level that you will use during a typical | | position will be shown in the Main Information |
| frequencies at all times, and have the sub- | listening session. The Bass and Treble controls | | Display U. | | |
| woofer operate only when the DCR600II is | should be set to 0dB, or press the Tone Mode | | NOTE: This is a good time to verify that the |
| being used with a digital source that contains | Button 6 to disable them. To adjust the Bass | |
| a dedicated Low-Frequency Effects, or LFE, | and Treble controls, press the Tone Mode | | speakers have been properly connected. As |
| soundtrack. This allows you to use both your | Button 6, followed by the Set Button ^, | | the test noise circulates, listen to make |
| main and subwoofer speakers to take advan- | and use the Selector Buttons 5 to adjust the | | certain that the sound comes from the speaker |
| tage of the special bass created for certain | Bass, then Treble, by up to plus or minus 10dB. | | position shown in the Main Information |
| movies. Press the Selector Buttons 5 so | | | Display. If the sound from a speaker location |
| that SUB (LFE) appears in the Main | To assist in making speaker configuration set- | | does NOT match the position indicated in the |
| Information Display U. | tings, the icons in the Speaker/Channel Input | | display, turn the DCR600II off using the Main |
| • If a subwoofer is connected and you wish to | Indicators M change as the speaker type is | | Power Switch 1 and check the speaker |
| selected at each position. When only the center | | wiring to make certain that each speaker is |
| use it for bass reproduction in conjunction | icon box containing the abbreviation for the | | connected to the correct output terminal. |
| with the main front left/right speakers, | speaker position is lit, the speaker is set for | 4. After checking for speaker placement, let the |
| regardless of the type of program source | “Small.” When the inner box and the two outer |
| or surround mode you are listening to, | boxes are lit, the speaker is set for “Large.” | | test noise circulate, and listen to see which |
| press the Selector Buttons 5 so that | When no indicator appears at a speaker | | channels sound louder than the others. Use |
| SUB L/R+LFE appears in the Main | location, that position is set for “None” or | | the front left (FL in the display) speaker as a |
| Information Display U. When this option | “No” speaker. | | reference by adjusting the volume to a com- |
| is selected, a “complete” feed will be sent | | | fortable level while the test tone is at the |
| to the front left/right “main” speakers, | For example, in the following figure, the front | | front left speaker. For the other channels, do |
| and the subwoofer will receive the bass | left and front right speakers are set for LARGE, | | not adjust the volume. Instead, press the |
| frequencies. | the center, surround left (SL) and surround right | | ⁄ / ¤ Buttons y | on the remote or the |
| 11. When all speaker selections have been | (SR) speakers are set for SMALL, and a | | Selector Buttons 5 on the front panel for |
| subwoofer is set, as shown by the box with | | each channel to begin to bring them to the |
| made, press the Set Button ^ to return to | the abbreviation “LFE”, which stands for | | same level. Note that when one of the buttons |
| normal operation. | “low-frequency effects.” | | is pushed, the test noise circulation will pause |
| | | | | | | | 39 |