Epson RP-U420 manual 18 PC862 Latin2

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Page 18 (PC862: Latin2)


Character code tables

Ver. 1.0 p. 23

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Contents Epson Epson Confidentiality Journal and Receipt Combination Printing System ProcessingReceipt Journal Print SampleSystem Processing Procedures Print #1, CHR$&H1Bc0CHR$3 ← Selects a print sheet Programming ExampleReceipt Issuing Taiwan ReceiptESC d, ESC o ESC d, LFPrints details Stamp Positions for print head, stamp, and cutter TipsPaper position after FF is executed Definitions N F I D E N T I a L Character Code Tables 1 Katakana 2 PC850 Multilingual 3 PC860 Portuguese 4 PC863 Canadian-French 5 PC865 Nordic 16 WPC1252 17 PC866 Cyrillic #2 18 PC862 Latin2 19 PC858 Euro Using the Character Code Tables Command Classification Name Function type RP-U420 Supported CommandsDLE EOT Print Sample Program ExampleProgram Example for all printers Print commands CR Print Sample Journal Print Sample ReceiptBit Off/On Hex Decimal Function ESCPrint #1, CHR$&H1B!CHR$0 AA ESC % N F I D E N T I a L = c2 c1 + 32 ≤ c1 ≤ c2 ≤See program and print example for ESC % Bit-image commands ESC TOP HEAD1 HEAD2 HEAD3 HEAD4 HEAD5 HEAD6 HEAD7 HEAD8 Bitimage9 Print #1, CHR$&H1BCHR$mCHR$70CHR$0 For i=1 to Program Example Print SampleMechanism control commands ESC Customer Display Sample ESC =ESC ? Aaaaa ESC @Ascii code Hex Country Dec 123 124 125 126 ESC R← n=1 ESC c Print Sample receipt Paper sensor commands ESC c Name Select paper sensors to stop printing Format Panel button command ESC c ESC d ESC f ESC o ESC p Character Code Table ESC tPrint Sample ESC z Print #1, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCHR$&HA Kanji commands FS Name Cancel Kanji character mode Format Printer ID Contents = 2 Type ID Printer Operation Mode Standard Mode Taiwan Mode Standard Mode Taiwan Mode Printer Operation ModeN F I D E N T I a L GS r Print #1, CHR$&H1DrCHR$1 ← Transmits paper sensor status Ascii DLE EOT DLE EOT= 2 Offline status More = 6 Validation status Print #1, CHR$&H10CHR$&H4CHR$2 ← Transmits offline status Ascii DLE ENQ DLE ENQPrint #1, CHR$&H10CHR$&H5CHR$2 Ascii DLE DC4 DLE DC4Print #1, CHR$&H10CHR$&H14CHR$1lCHR$0CHR$5