Key Help button, 47, 49, 51 Key Record button, 47
brightness, ix, 76 model number, 76 replacing,
when it does not come on, 67 Language, changing in menus, 41 LCD connector, pin assignments, 79 Lead wire, xii, 17
Lens cleaning, 54 focusing, 21 specifications, 76
Light button, 25 Loudness, 39
Mac LC, 35 Macintosh computer
connecting to the projector,
Macro, 43
assigning to a button,
Menu button, 25 Menu Select button, 25 Menus, x,
accessing on computer screen, 32 changing settings, 31
choosing language, 41
displaying on projector screen,
resetting to defaults, 33 Mode, 36
Monitor connector, pin assignments, 80 Monitor displays, supported, 78 Mouse speed
adjusting in ELP Remote Programmer, 52 problems with, 73
Mute button, 25, 71
Next button, 25
NTSC, ix, 11, 36, 82