Lexmark X2500 manual Limited warranty service, Extent of limited warranty

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If you transfer this product to another user, warranty service under the terms of this statement is available to that user for the remainder of the warranty period. You should transfer proof of original purchase and this statement to that user.

Limited warranty service

The warranty period starts on the date of original purchase as shown on the purchase receipt and ends 12 months later provided that the warranty period for any supplies and for any maintenance items included with the printer shall end earlier if it, or its original contents, are substantially used up, depleted, or consumed.

To obtain warranty service you may be required to present proof of original purchase. You may be required to deliver your product to the Remarketer or Lexmark, or ship it prepaid and suitably packaged to a Lexmark designated location. You are responsible for loss of, or damage to, a product in transit to the Remarketer or the Lexmark designated location.

When warranty service involves the exchange of a product or part, the item replaced becomes the property of the Remarketer or Lexmark. The replacement may be a new or repaired item.

The replacement item assumes the remaining warranty period of the original product.

Replacement is not available to you if the product you present for exchange is defaced, altered, in need of a repair not included in warranty service, damaged beyond repair, or if the product is not free of all legal obligations, restrictions, liens, and encumbrances.

Before you present this product for warranty service, remove all print cartridges, programs, data, and removable storage media (unless directed otherwise by Lexmark).

For further explanation of your warranty alternatives and the nearest Lexmark authorized servicer in your area contact Lexmark on the World Wide Web at www.lexmark.com/support.

Remote technical support is provided for this product throughout its warranty period. For products no longer covered by a Lexmark warranty, technical support may not be available or only be available for a fee.

Extent of limited warranty

Lexmark does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of any product or the durability or longevity of prints produced by any product.

Warranty service does not include repair of failures caused by:

—Modification or unauthorized attachments

—Accidents, misuse, abuse or use inconsistent with Lexmark user’s guides, manuals, instructions or guidance

—Unsuitable physical or operating environment

—Maintenance by anyone other than Lexmark or a Lexmark authorized servicer

—Operation of a product beyond the limit of its duty cycle

—Use of printing media outside of Lexmark specifications

—Refurbishment, repair, refilling or remanufacture by a third party of products, supplies or parts

—Products, supplies, parts, materials (such as toners and inks), software, or interfaces not furnished by Lexmark



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Contents July Users GuidePage Contents Paper and specialty media guide Troubleshooting Index Safety info rma tion Printer overview Learn in g abou t the p r interPrinter front view Part namePrinter back view Applying control panel overlaysUnderstanding the printer features and functions Printer features by modelFeature/function 2580/2581 2590/2591 Feature/function All models UPC-A UPC-E Feature/functionPrinting a demonstration Printing a network setup Printing from Windows or DOSWindows Using IBM emulation mode For Lexmark Forms Printer 2580/2581 usersFor Lexmark Forms Printer 2590/2591 users Using Okidata Microline emulation mode Using Epson emulation modeFor Forms Printer 2580/2581 users For Forms Printer 2590/2591 usersUnderstanding the control panel buttons Using th e control pa n elLayer 1 control panel buttons Button FunctionLineFeed Layer 2 control panel buttonsUnderstanding the control panel lights Layer 1 control panel lightsLayer 2 control panel lights Using the Load/Unload function Setting the printer online or offlineAdvancing paper Locking and unlocking the control panelSelecting a Tractor mode Selecting and locking a fontDisabling Font Lock Disabling Pitch Lock Selecting and locking a pitchLoad ing pa per Setting the forms thickness leverForms thickness for 2590/2591 Forms thickness for 2580/2581Paper paths Using the Tear Off functionPaper paths for the push tractor Paper paths for the pull tractorSetting the Tear Off position Loading continuous forms using the push tractorLoading continuous paper Page Page Close the front cover Front loading continuous forms using the pull tractorPage Page Bottom loading continuous forms using the pull tractor Page Page Page Loading paper Loading a cut form or envelope manually Loading cut formsPage Aligning the left margin Setting Top-Of-Form for continuous forms in push mode Setting Top-of-FormSetting Top-Of-Form for a cut form or an envelope Setting Top-Of-Form for continuous forms in pull modeSetting Top-Of-Form in a macro Paper types and sizes supported by the printer Pap er and specialty me dia guideWidth LengthPush tractor position Cha ngin g trac to r posi tionsPull tractor position Converting the push tractor to pull tractor positionTractor unit Converting the pull tractor to push tractor position Page Using Setup mode Understanding Setup mode and menu optionsPrinter Setup mode-Main menu Changing menu settings an exampleTo Select Press Control OptionsSetup Mode Main menu Main menu optionsMenu Language Forms Macro options Default MacroPaper Handling Options Data optionsBuffer Uni-Dir Printing Control optionsQuiet Emulation optionsInterface Selection Interface optionsMain taining the prin t er Cleaning the printerOrdering supplies Removing the ribbon cartridgeRecycling Lexmark products Cleaning the outside of the printerRestoring the US factory default settings Restoring the factory default settingsRestoring the EU factory default settings Adm in is trativ e supp o rtUsing 802.1x authentication Supporting IPSecSupporting SNMPv3 Click 802.1x Authentication Troublesh oo tin g Testing the printerChecking an unresponsive printer Running a printer testUsing Hex Trace mode Checking the printer statusPrinter status Status Action required Release LineFeed when printing startsAdjusting character bidirectional alignment Page Printer alarm sounds Solving printing problemsPrinter is noisy Printer sounds like it is printing, but does not printLeft margin moves to the right during printing Printer power switch is on, but the power light is offIncorrect line length lines do not start at the left margin Printer speed slowsPrinting continues beyond the edges of the continuous forms Solving paper feed problemsSelected font or pitch is not printing or is changing Paper is jammed in the printerPaper is jammed in the Auto Sheet Feeder Paper jam in the Tractor 2 FeederPrinter does not feed paper Printer does not feed from the optional Tractor 2 Feeder Printer does not feed from the Auto Sheet FeederAuto Sheet Feeder feeds paper at an incorrect rate Auto Sheet Feeder feeds multiple sheets Paper fed from the Auto Sheet Feeder is skewedSolving print quality problems Print is too lightDots are missing or print quality is poor Forms are smudged or print is too dark Characters are wrong or missingIncorrect number of lines on a Graphics do not printIncorrect line spacing or overprinting occurs Contacting Customer SupportProduct name Machine typeModel number United States Government Rights Meter average sound pressure, dBA Industry Canada compliance statementProduct power consumption ModeDescription Off mode Power SaverLimited warranty Total energy usageExtent of limited warranty Limited warranty serviceAdditional rights Limitation of liabilityNumerics IndexConverting 46 paper paths Unlocking control panel Windows printing from Index