•Lip synchronisation: Set to on by default.
Other choices are progressive and off
•Small video size: size of the inset window in PiP mode, choose between small, standard and large
•Small video position: select the corner in which the inset windwo in PiP mode shall be displayed
The TV shape is managed by the Digital Terrestrial Receiver. But TV set manage dalso the adaptation of input format to shape and siae. Set your TV to the similar equivalent setting (refer to the user manual of your TV set).
Recorder settings
•Live TV playback: set the maximum duration of live TV playback, from 30 minutes to 3 hours, or disable it
•Instant replay: set the time of instant replay, from 10 seconds to 1 minute
•Chapter size: set the Time shift buffer’s default storage size from 1 minute to 15 minutes
•Recording duration: Set the recording default duration, from 30 minute to 3 hours.
System settings
•TV scart output
•RGB level
•AUX scart
•SPDIF & HDMI audio: Set the value to
PCM for stereo and Dolby Digital for
•Antenna powering
HDMI settings
•Output resolution: only two choices are possible to set HDMI output resolution:
“automatic” mode (by default) or “576i” mode.
•Mode: select HDMI if your TV set is fitted with an HDMI input or select DVI if your TV set is only fitted with a DVI input. In the latter case, you need an
Use more of your Digital Terrestrial Receiver | 35 |