Appendix 3 - VNC viewer window options
Click the VNC icon in the top left corner of the viewer window (or press F8) to display the window options:
Standard window control items
Full screen
Expands the VNC viewer window to fill the whole screen with no visible window edges or toolbar. Press F8 to re- display this menu.
Single mouse mode (P)
Used for fast network connections where a second, “predictor” cursor is not required.
Ctrl, Alt, Send F8, Send Ctrl-Alt-Del
Sends the selected keypress(es) to the Wizard IP Plus unit and host system. This is necessary because certain keys and key combinations are trapped by the VNC viewer.
Refresh Screen
Requests data from the server for a complete redraw of the screen image, not just the items that change.
Virtual Media...
As part of the Virtual Media feature, this dialog allows you to select a drive to be shared across the connection.
New Connection...
Displays the connection dialog so that you can log on to a different Wizard IP Plus unit or VNC server location.
Displays the full range of connection options - see Appendix 2 for more details.
Connection Info...
Displays various connection and display details.
Displays information about your VNC viewer.