? (Help) button, 1-6
1100-Sheet High-Capacity Feeder location, 1-2
printer option, 1-5
128 MB, 256 MB, and 512 MB memory cards
printer option, 1-52-sided printing, 3-20
binding options, 3-21 loading Tray 1 (MPT), 3-8 loading Trays 2-5,3-11 selecting in driver, 3-21
550-Sheet Feeder location, 1-2 printer option, 1-5
adjusting color, 4-1
automatic 2-sided printing, 3-20
banner size paper printing, 3-39 basic printing, 3-2
binding edge options, 3-21 buttons, 1-6
cable connection, 2-4 Calibrate Margins page, 4-12 calibrating colors, 4-9 Cancel button, 1-6
CentreWare Internet Services (IS), 2-3 changing paper type, 3-8,3-11changing printer settings
driver (Mac), 3-18 driver (Windows), 3-16
cleaning the printer, 5-2
Color Calibration Tutorial page, 4-8,4-9color correction
selecting in driver, 4-3 Color Registration page, 4-7colors
adjusting, 4-3
align incorrectly, 4-7 calibrating, 4-8,4-9
color settings not applied, 4-10 description, 4-3
do not match, 4-11 grays not neutral, 4-9
PANTONE colors do not match, 4-12 printed colors do not match monitor
colors, 4-11
too light or too dark, 4-8 vary between computers, 4-10
configuration IP addresses, 2-5 Configuration page, 1-7 connecting via Ethernet, 2-3connection
cable or DSL, 2-4
choosing a network connection method, 2-3
USB, 2-4
consumables, 5-5 control panel, 1-2,1-6
features, 1-6 layout, 1-6 menus, 1-7 messages, 6-12
custom size paper guidelines, 3-39
loading in Tray 1 (MPT), 3-39 printing, 3-39
DHCP enabling, 2-6
diagnostic tools, 6-12
Domain Name Service (DNS), 2-7 door A, 1-3
door B, 1-3 door C, 1-3