Xerox 850 manual Repacking the Color Printer and Its Accessories, Overview

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Repacking the Color

Printer and Its


It is very important that you follow the correct repacking procedure before shipping the color printer. Complete repacking is required. Failure to properly repack the printer can damage the printer’s internal components. You are responsible for any shipping damage to the printer that results from improper or inadequate packaging.

Repacking for shipment consists of four basic tasks. Each of these tasks is explained in detail. If you have questions regarding any of the repacking procedures, call the Tektronix Customer Support Hotline at 1-800-835-6100, or contact Tektronix online at


1.Turn off the printer using the On/Off switch and then selecting Shut Down For Moving Printer at the front panel.

2.Remove the maintenance drawer, seal it in a plastic bag, and store the tray on a flat surface. A used maintenance drawer leaks drum fluid if tipped.

3.Make sure that the printer has completed its shut down before moving the printer (after approximately 15 minutes, the front panel goes blank); this allows the ink to solidify.

4.Repack the printer and its accessories using Tektronix-approved packing materials.

Repacking the Color Printer and Its Accessories


Image 3 Contents
Phaser 840 Page Overview Repacking the Color Printer and Its AccessoriesRemoving the maintenance drawer Turning off the printerU T I O N 1239-59 Disconnecting the cables Repacking the printer and its accessoriesR N I N G 1239-35b 1239-01 Généralités Emballage de l’imprimante couleur et de ses accessoiresRetrait du tiroir de maintenance Mise hors tension de l’imprimanteT E N T I O N 1239-59 Remballage de l’imprimante et de ses accessoires Débranchement des câblesE R T I S S E M E N T 1239-35b 1239-01 Panoramica Spegnimento della stampante Rimozione del cassetto di manutenzioneT E N Z I O N E 1239-59 V E R T E N Z a Scollegamento dei cavi1239-35b 1239-01 Übersicht Verpacken des Farbdruckers und seines ZubehörsAusschalten des Druckers Entfernen des WartungsfachsR S I C H T 1239-59 Abnehmen der Kabel Verpacken des Druckers und seines ZubehörsR N U N G 1239-35b 1239-01 Generalidades Reembalaje de la impresora a color y sus accesoriosApagado de la impresora Extracción del cajón de mantenimientoE C a U C I Ó N 1239-59 Desconexión de los cables Reembalaje de la impresora y sus accesoriosV E R T E N C I a 1239-35b 1239-01 On/Off Phaser 840 1239-59 1239-38b 1239-35b 4a 4b Tektronix1-800-835-6100 On/Off 1239-58 1239-59 1239-38b 1239-35b 1239-01 Page 1239-58 1239-59 1239-38b 1239-35b 1239-01