Stay in pane/ pitch: Style/Pitch and Paper Feed switch
By holding these switches down during
software interference with the print pitch selected from the control panel.
You will hear an acknowledging beep as power comes on. After the beep tone, you can set the printer
and start printing. The pitch you selected will not be reset or otherwise
changed by any commands your software may issue.
Stay in panel style: Style/Pitch and Quiet Mode switch
If held down during
ference with the type style selected from the control panel. There will be
an acknowledging beep, after which you can set the printer
type style will not be changed by any commands sent by software.
If you want to protect both the Print Pitch and Type Style settings from software changes, press only the Style/Pitch switch during
will be two acknowledging beeps.
Pressing these switches during
Hexadecimal dump: Paper Feed and Quiet Mode switches
This feature is useful for programmers who are debugging printing programs and want to see the actual codes the printer is receiving. (Some
computers change the codes the programmer intended.)
1.Holding both the Paper Feed and Quiet Mode switches down, turn power ON. A beep tone will be heard.
2.Start printing. In place of the usual printout you will get a formatted dump showing exactly what data the printer receives. Each line presents
sixteen characters, their hexadecimal codes to the left and printable characters printed on the right.
3.At the end of the hexadecimal dump, set the printer
The following BASIC program is a simple test you can run in hexade- cimal mode:
10 FOR I=0 TO 255