Star Micronics NX-2400 user manual Using WE PR//vER, Installing Your Software

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Chapter 3 USING WE PR//vER


There is an abundance of commercial software available: spreadsheet

programs, word-processing programs, graphics programs, and more. This printer will work with any program that supports a Star, Epson or IBM

dot-matrix printer. Before using the printer with commercial software, however, there are two things you must do:

Install the software so that it supports the printer

Set the printer’s DIP switches to match the software


Most commercial software includes an installation program or routine that you can run to customize the software to fit your hardware system.

Start by reading the explanation of the installation program in your software manual.

Printer menu

The installation program usually offers a menu of printers from which to choose. If you find this printer on the menu, select it.

If this printer is not listed, look for the Epson LQ-800 or IBM Proprinter X24. If these are not listed, look for another Star, Epson or IBM printer. A few of the choices you may see are given below in order of preference:




Epson LQ-800

IBM Proprinter










LQ- 1500



Some menus are less explicit about model names but offer general de- scriptions such as “Star printer”, “Epson printer”, “IBM dot-matrix printer”,

“dot-matrix ASCII printer”, “Centronics-type printer”, “Draft printer”,

or “Standard printer”. Any of these selections should work. If you are not

sure of the right selection, it does not hurt to experiment. If you choose

wrong, you will get strange printing results, but don’t worry; just try a different selection. Don’t pick any printer described as a daisywheel printer or laser printer.

A few installation programs may ask you not to select a printer but to describe what your printer can do. The answers to the most often asked questions are: Yes, this printer can do a backspace; and Yes, it can do a hardware form feed.

Image 37
Contents NX-2400 Page HOW to USE this Manual Features of the Printer Quad-sized Tableofcontents With DOS and Basic Download Character Generator Chapter Platen Remove the top cover Setting UPInstall the ribbon cartridge Replace the top cower Install the optional IC cardMount the paper guide Connect the printer to the computerFigure l-7.Mounting the paper guide for single sheets Semiautomatic loadingManual loading Loading and Parking Fanfold Forms 11. Closing the sprocket covers Paper parking Short se/f test Paper unparkingInterface test Long se/f testAdjusting the Printing GAP International character set Print style and pitch selection Page Page OFF Control Panel OPERAllONS Paper Feed switch On Line switchSty/e/Pitch switch Quiet Mode switchSh0ff test paffern On Line switch POWER-UP FunctionsLprint CHR$I Next B8 B9 Switch combination functions of control panel Switch Combination FunctionsTop Of fOff?L Style/Pitch Page Memo Installing Your Software Using WE PR//vERPrinter Command optionsUsing Your Software Setting the DIP SwitchesType sty/e and pitch selection Printercommands Memo HARD-COPYING the Screen MS-DOS and PC-DOS Using the Printer with DOS and BasicName of list device PRN Programming the Printer with DOS CommandsNew file Acopy LQELITE.DAT PRN Aprint README.DOC Programming the Printer with Basic‘Cancel Lprint the Spacings are Changed Next H How the program works IBM Lprint ES= cHR$ocHR$6ocHR$6o Replacing the Ribbon Cleaning the PrinterReplacing the ribbon cartrlctge Replacing the Print HeadConnector cover Fligure 5-2. Replacing the print head Replacing the Battery in the RAM Card If printing is faint, incomplete, or unclear TroubleshootingIf a// text is printed on the same line If line spacing is twice as wide as expectedIf you have problems with download characters If you have problems with graphicsIf you have problems with horizontal tabulation Printing Mechanism Switches and fndicatorsInterface and Emulation Dot Matrix Size Character SetsDimensions and Weight Paper SpecificationsType Sty/es and Pitches Interface Signals Electrical SpecificationsEnvironmental Requirements OptionSignal Pin No Name Memo Select draft quality characters Font Control CommandsSelect LQ type Style Select LQ charactersSelect ornament character Select Italic CharactersDouble-strike Printing Select Upright CharactersStart Underlining Stop Underlining Cancel Superscript Or subscriptStart Overlining Stop OverliningSelect IBM character set Select Standard characterSelect character set #7 Select Character set #2Enable printing of a// character codes on next character Enable printing of all character codesSelect s/ash zero Select normal zeroElite pitch Pica pitchHigh-speed elite pitch High-density elite pitchCancel expanded printing Cancel condensed printingCondensed printing Expanded printingCaucel one-line expanded printing Select master print modeSe/ect proportional spacing Select fixed spacingSelect double or quadruple size Increase character SpacingPrint double-height characters Return to normal HeightSelect character height, width, and line spacing Select Character WidthSelect character type and print pitch Vertical Position CommandsSet line spacing to 7160 or 7172 inch Set line spacing to 718 inchSet base unit for line spacing Set line spacing to 716 inchSet line spacing to n/780 or n/216 inch Set line spacing to n/360 inchSelect reverse feed mode Select forward feed modeDefine line spacing to n/72 inch Execute ESC aPerform one n/780-inch reverse line feed Perform one n/180-inch or n/2164nch line feedFeed paper n lines Set top of page at current positionSet page length to n inches Cancel top and bottom marginsSet top margin Set bottom marginEnable paper-out detector Disable paper-out detectorSet vertical tab stops Set vertical tab stops every n linesVertical tab Select Vertical Tab channelSet left margin Set right marginSet left and right margins Cancel automatic line feedCarriage return Set automatic Line feedLeff justify BackspaceCenter text Right justifySet horizontal tab stops Reset all tab stopsSet horizontal tab stop every n columns Horizontal tabRelative horizontal tab in inches Relative horizontal TabAbsolute horizontal tab in inches Absolute horizontal tab in columnsPrint 8-bit single-density graphics Graphics CommandsPrint 8-bit double-density graphics Print 8-bit double-density, double-speed graphicsPrint M-bit hex-density graphics Select graphics modeCopy standard characters from ROM into RAM Convert graphics densityDownload Character Select download character set Define DownloadDelete Last character Sent Other Printer Control CommandsROM MSBRepeat data Cancel Quiet PrintQuiet Print Last LineSet printer off-line Cancel Immediate PrintSet printer on-line Stop printingUnidirectional printing PrintingOne-line unidirectional printing Manual feedEject Paper Reset printerSet print start position on ASF Memo Norma/ character AppendixCDOWNLOADSemi-condensed Proportional Super/subscript character Iiao 1600 2440 If ST=5 then CLS Goto 3480 Character Sets Standard Character SET I7’Pj-iii-j IBM Character SET #2 Page IBM CH Aracter SET #I Additional Character SET SfR International Character SetsIndex 111 Lol107 Command Summary ESC ESC p ESC p0 ESC p.‘ 111