Quiet Mode switch
This switch operates
Sty/e/Pitch switch
This switch selects the type style and the print pitch.
To change the type style, press the On Line switch to go
press this switch once. You will hear two acknowledging beep tones. After the beep tones, you can set the type style using the Quiet Mode switch or the Paper Feed switch. While in this mode, these switchs works to select the type style, instead of their normal functions.
The selections cycle in the following order when using the Quiet Mode switch:
Draft Courier Courier italic Prestige Prestige italic Orator Orator italic script
Script italic Option
When using the Paper Feed switch, the selections cycle in the reverse order.
To change the print pitch. press the On Line switch to go
press this switch twice. You will hear three acknowledging beep tones. After the beep tones, you can set the print pitch using the Quiet Mode switch or the Paper Feed switch. While in this mode, these switchs works to select the print pitch, instead of their normal functions.