IEEE power classification levels 77 interface 88
interfaces 42
LLDP 51, 55, 56, 57
transmission timer and holdtime, setting 57 configuring 55
default configuration 55 enabling 56
overview 51
switch stack considerations 51
configuring 59 TLVs 59
overview 52 supported TLVs 52
location TLV 53
MAC/PHY configuration status TLV 51 management address TLV 51 monitoring 79
monitoring power 85 MTU 71
system 71
PoE (continued)
policing power consumption 85 policing power usage 79 power management modes 78
power negotiation extensions to CDP 76
static mode 78
supported watts per port 16, 76 policing power consumption 85 policing power usage 79
port description TLV 51 port VLAN ID TLV 51 power management modes 78 power management TLV 53 power negotiation extensions 76
power negotiation extensions to CDP 76
See Ethernet management port 45 standards supported 76
static mode 78 statistics 88
interface 88 supported features 46 supported watts per port 16, 76 system 71
system capabilities TLV 51 system description TLV 51 system name TLV 51
network policy TLV 53
PoE 16, 76, 77, 78, 79, 85
auto mode 78
CDP with power consumption, described 76 CDP with power negotiation, described 76 Cisco intelligent power management 76 devices supported 16, 76
monitoring 79 monitoring power 85
TLVs 51 defined 51
unsupported features 46
wired location service 53, 54, 63 configuring 63
location TLV 53 understanding 54
| Catalyst |