Examples of ATM Error Messages
Following is a list of possible error messages displayed when you enter the debug atm errors command:
Error Message
AIP_love_note(ATM2/0): UNKNOWN asr=0x0000
Explanation A bad love note message was passed back by the ACIP.
Error Message
AIP_setup_vc(ATM2/0): TIQ err. VC 1 peak 1000 avg. 1 rateq rate 2
Explanation Indicates that a VC SETUP failed because the average rate requested could not be configured on the ACIP. The average rate is far too low compared to the peak rate.
Error Message
AIP_setup_vc(ATM2/0): CQ err. VC 1 CQ=2048 MTU=256000
Explanation This error message indicates that the cell quota selected is out of the range allowed by the ACIP. In the case of PVCs, the parser catches these. The error message indicates SVC violations are out of range.
Error Message
AIP_setup_vc(ATM2/0): Return value 0
Explanation The return value from the ACIP after a setup request.
Error Message
AIP_teardown_vc(ATM2/0): Return value 0
Explanation The PVC teardown return code from the ACIP. 0 = Success.
Error Message
ATM(ATM2/0): Config. scaler error. RateQ 1, rate 1
Explanation Indicates that the rate specified for the peak rate is not allowable. The parser should catch most of these.
Error Message
AIP_raw_input(ATM2/0): bad OAM type 0xaaaa
Explanation The RSP received an OAM cell with an invalid OAM type value.
Error Message
AIP_raw_input(ATM2/0): bad OAM function 0xaaaa
Explanation The function value in the OAM cell is invalid in one of the following:
30ATM Cable Interface Processor (ACIP) Installation and Configuration