L i f e B o o k A 6 0 0 0 S e r i e s N o t e b o o k - S e c t i o n S e v e n
Operating System Options
Depending upon your system, one of the following operating system configurations will be installed:
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition
With Microsoft Works 8.5 and Microsoft Office 60- day trial (home and Student Edition 2007)
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
With Microsoft Works 8.5 and Microsoft Office Small Business Edition 2007
■Microsoft Works 8.5
Microsoft Works 8.5 is a software suite containing the basic tools to write letters and reports, track family and friends with address books, manage home finances, and create a home inventory.
■Microsoft Office Home and Student Edition 2007
(Optional with Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition) Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 is
■Office Microsoft Small Business Edition 2007
(Optional with Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition) Microsoft Office 2007 Small Business Edition is