L i f e B o o k A 6 0 0 0 S e r i e s N o t e b o o k - S e c t i o n F i v e
Problem | Possible Cause | Possible Solutions | |
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Modem Problems |
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Messages about modem | Modem operation messages | See your application software documentation for | |
operation. | are generated by whichever | additional information. | |
| modem application is in use. |
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USB Device Problems |
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You have installed a USB | The device is not properly | Remove and reinstall the device. (See Device Ports on | |
device that your LifeBook | installed. | page 40 for more information) | |
notebook does not recog- |
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The device may have been | Close the application and restart your notebook. | ||
nize, or the device does not | |||
installed while an application |
| ||
seem to work properly. |
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was running, so your notebook |
| ||
| ||
| is not aware of its installation. |
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| Your device may not have the | See your software documentation and activate the | |
| correct software driver active. | correct driver. | |
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| You may have the wrong I/O | See your device documentation and software docu- | |
| address selected for the device. | mentation to determine the required I/O address. | |
| Change the settings in the Device Manager. | |
| |
| Your device and another device | Check all I/O addresses located within the Device | |
| are assigned the same I/O | Manager and any other installed hardware or soft- | |
| address. | ware to make sure there are no duplications. | |
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PC Card/ExpressCard Problems |
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A card inserted in the card | The card is not properly | Remove and | |
slot does not work or is | inserted. | ExpressCards™ on page 36 for more information) | |
locking up the system. |
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The card may have been | Close the application and restart your notebook. | ||
| |||
| inserted while an application |
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| was running, so your notebook |
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| is not aware of its insertion. |
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| Your software may not have | See your software documentation and activate the | |
| the correct software driver | correct driver. | |
| active. |
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| You may have the wrong I/O | See your card documentation to determine the | |
| address selected for your card | required I/O address. Change the settings in the | |
| device. | Device Manager. | |
| |
| Your card device and another | Check all I/O addresses located within the Device | |
| device are assigned the same | Manager and any other installed hardware or soft- | |
| I/O address. | ware to make sure there are no duplications. | |
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Power Failures |
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You turn on your LifeBook | The installed primary battery | Check the Status Indicator Panel to determine the | |
notebook and nothing | is completely discharged, there | presence and condition of the batteries. (See Status | |
seems to happen. | is no modular bay battery | Indicator Panel on page 11 for more information) | |
| installed or there is no Power | Install a charged battery or a Power adapter. | |
| adapter (AC or Auto/Airline) |
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| installed. |
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