2.8.2/ Sniff settings
The higher the Sniff period, the higher is the latency and the smaller is the power consumption. Default value is 150ms.
Sniff period = 200ms
Sniff period = 150ms (*)
Sniff period = 300ms
Sniff period = 100ms
Sniff period = 500ms
2.8.3/ Power emission settings
You can configure your scanner to work at 20 dBm (default setting) or 10 dBm.
Due to local laws, you may not use 20 dBm in some countries
Power = 10dBm
Power = 20dBm(*)
2.8.4/ Security (code PIN) settings
Some BT device will not accept connections with devices that do not have a security code.
Disable BT security code
Enable BT security code (*)
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