Cisco Systems uBR7200 manual Statement 106-More Than One Power Cord

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Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 106—More Than One Power Cord

Warning This unit might have more than one power cord. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, disconnect all power supply cords before servicing the unit. Statement 106

Waarschuwing Deze eenheid kan meer dan één elelektriciteitssnoer hebben. Om het risiko op een elektrische schok te reduceren, dient u alle elektriciteitssnoeren te ontkoppelen voordat u onderhoud op de eenheid uitvoert.

Varoitus Tässä laitteessa voi olla useampia virtajohtoja. Sähköiskun välttämiseksi on kaikki sähköjohdot irrotettava ennen laitteen huoltoa.

Attention Cette unité doit être équipée de plusieurs cordons d'alimentation. Pour réduire le risque de choc électrique, débranchez tous les cordons d’alimentation avant toute opération de maintenance.

Warnung Diese Einheit könnte mehr als ein Stromkabel haben. Um das Risiko eines elektrischen Schlags zu reduzieren, trennen Sie vor Bedienung der Einheit alle Stromkabel ab.

Avvertenza Questa unità può avere più di un cavo elettrico. Per ridurre il rischio di ricevere una scossa elettrica, staccate tutti i cavi elettrici prima di fare alcuna manutenzione nell'unità.

Advarsel Denne enheten kan være utstyrt med mer enn én strømledning. Forhindre fare for elektrisk støt ved å trekke ut alle strømstøpsler før det utføres service eller reparasjoner på enheten.

Aviso Este dispositivo pode possuir mais do que um cabo de alimentação de energia. Para reduzir o risco de choque eléctrico, desconecte todos os cabos de alimentação de energia eléctrica antes de reparar o dispositivo.

¡Advertencia! Esta unidad puede tener más de un cable de suministro eléctrico. Para reducir el riesgo de electrocución, desconecte todos los cables de suministro eléctrico antes de reparar la unidad.

Varning! Denna enhet är eventuellt försedd med mer än en nätsladd. Förhindra risken av elektrisk stöt genom att koppla ur alla strömförsörjningssladdar innan du utför service eller reparationer på enheten.

Statement 164—Two Person Lifting Requirement

Warning Two people are required to lift the chassis. To prevent injury, keep your back straight and lift with your legs, not your back. Statement 164

Waarschuwing Er zijn twee personen nodig om het chassis op te tillen. Om letsel te voorkomen dient u uw rug recht te houden en met uw benen te tillen in plaats van met uw rug.

Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Routers





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Contents Revision History Revision DateTranslated Safety Warnings Statement 5-Chassis Lifting Warning Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 12-Power Supply Disconnection Warning Statement 43-Jewelry Removal Warning Translated Safety Warnings Statement 48-Stacking the Chassis Warning Statement 61-Power Supply Wiring Warning Statement 89-Telecommunications Lines Warning Statement 106-More Than One Power Cord Statement 164-Two Person Lifting RequirementStatement 181-Wrist Strap and Midplane Contact Warning Translated Safety Warnings Statement 196-Chassis Disconnection Warning Translated Safety Warnings Statement 285-Electrical Connection Warning Statement 342-Before Connecting to System Power Supply Statement 1003-DC Power Disconnection Statement 1001-Work During Lightning ActivityTranslated Safety Warnings Statement 1004-Installation Instructions Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Page Statement 1007-TN and IT Power Systems Statement 1008-Class 1 Laser Product Statement 1015-Battery Handling Statement 1016-Invisible Laser Radiation Waarschuwing Onzichtbare laserstraling aanwezigStatement 1017-Restricted Area Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1018-Supply Circuit Statement 1021-SELV Circuit Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1022-Disconnect Device Statement 1023-No AWG Statement 1024-Ground Conductor Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1025-Use Copper Conductors Only Statement 1026-WAN Port Static Shock Till enhetenStatement 1027-Class 1 LED Product Statement 1028-More Than One Power Supply Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1029-Blank Faceplates and Cover Panels Translated Safety Warnings 78-14140-05 Statement 1030-Equipment Installation Statement 1032-Lifting the Chassis Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1033-SELV-IEC 60950 DC Power Supply Statement 1040-Product Disposal Statement 1041-Disconnecting Telephone-Network Cables Statement 1043-Installation Hazard Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1045-Short-circuit Protection Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1046-Installing or Replacing the Unit Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1047-Overheating Prevention Statement 1051-Laser Radiation Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1064-Grounded Equipment Statement 1071-Warning Definitions Bewaar Deze InstructiesBewahren SIE Diese Hinweise GUT AUF Spara Dessa Anvisningar GEM Disse Anvisninger Page Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings European Directives Statement 25-Warning for Norway and SwedenStatement 35-Warning for Finland Statement 36-Warning for SwedenFCC Declaration of Conformity Information for USA only Specification Description Regulatory Standards ComplianceSpecification Description IDA TS CM2 Acif C559 Korean Certification Information EMC Class a Notices and Warnings Class a Notice for FCCClass a Notice for Canada Statement 340-Class a Warning for CISPR22Statement 191-VCCI Class a Warning for Japan EMC Class B Notices and Warnings Class B Notice for FCCClass B Notice for Canada Port Adapter Compliance Information GR-1089-Core Intrabuilding Lightning-Immunity RequirementsFCC Part 68 Notice CS-03 Certification for Canada Approval NumberJate Certification for Japan Applicant Name Model Number Approval NumberPort Adapter Installation Safety Information RRL Certification for KoreaPort Adapter Installation Safety Information Cisco IOS Cmts Cable Command Reference at the following URL Related Documentation
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