EMC Class B Notices and Warnings
Warning This equipment is a class A product and should be used and installed properly according to the Hungarian EMC Class A requirements (MSZEN55022). Class A equipment is designed for typical commercial establishments for which special conditions of installation and protection distance are used.
Warning This is a Class A Device and is registered for EMC requirements for industrial use. The seller or buyer should be aware of this. If this type was sold or purchased by mistake, it should be replaced with a
EMC Class B Notices and Warnings
This section includes the EMC Class B warnings for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Routers and components.
Class B Notice for FCC
Modifying the equipment without Cisco’s authorization may result in the equipment no longer complying with FCC requirements for Class B digital devices. In that event, your right to use the equipment may be limited by FCC regulations, and you may be required to correct any interference to radio or television communications at your own expense.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Routers
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