parm_set <label> <val> - Sets the value of a specified parameter in the driver. msgbuf all or <number>
get_path <index> - Returns the adapter path. q - Exits this program.
h - Returns this help screen. hba - Select another hba.
p - Repeat previous command.
Allows you to select another HBA to interface with. This prevents you from having to exit and reenter the program.
emlxadm> hba
Available HBA's:
1./devices/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,qlc@3/fp@0,0:devctl (CONNECTED)
2./devices/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,qlc@3,1/fp@0,0:devctl (NOT CONNECTED)
3./devices/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,emlxs@2/fp@0,0:devctl (CONNECTED)
4./devices/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,emlxs@2,1/fp@0,0:devctl (NOT CONNECTED)
Enter an HBA number or zero to exit:
Repeats the last command.
emlxadm> get_num_devs
There are 4 devices reported on this port.
emlxadm> p
emlxadm> get_num_devs
There are 4 devices reported on this port.
FCA Utilities Reference Manual | Page 25 |