Emulex EMULEX manual Devlogin wwpn, Devlogout, Getstate wwpn, Devremove wwpn, Linkstatus did

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dev_login <wwpn>

Performs an FC login to an FC device on the network, if not already logged in. Example:

emlxadm> dev_login 21000020371938fa



Performs an FC logout to an FC device on the network, if not already logged in. Example:

emlxadm> dev_logout 21000020371938fa


get_state <wwpn>

Returns the current Leadville state of the specified FC device on the network. Example:

emlxadm> get_state 21000020371938fa


dev_remove <wwpn>

Removes the specified FC device from Leadville management.

WARNING: This command is currently not properly supported in the Leadville stack and will cause the host operating system to panic.

link_status <d_id>

Requests and returns the current link error status from the FC device specified by the d_id address. Example:

emlxadm> link_status e8

D_ID: e8

Link failures: 3 (0x3)

Loss of sync count: 12 (0xc)

Loss of signal count: 0 (0x0)

Primitive sequence errors: 0 (0x0)

Invalid tx words: 17 (0x11)

Invalid CRC count: 0 (0x0)


Returns the current Fcode revision of the HBA.


emlxadm> get_fcode_rev

FCODE revision: LP10000-S 1.41a3

FCA Utilities Reference Manual

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Image 16
Contents FCA Utilities FCA Utilities Reference Manual Introduction Using the emlxdrv Utility HbaFibre Channel Overview Solaris Fibre Channel StackSolaris Software Stack Installing the Utilities Enter y. The following message is displayedRemoving the Utilities Using the emlxuremove Script Removing the Utilities Package Manually Installing the Utilities Package ManuallyTo remove the emlxu utilities package, do the following Update the emlxu utilities by doing the following Updating the Utilities Package ManuallyInteractive Mode emlxadm Modes of Operation emlxadmCommand Descriptions emlxadm CLI Mode emlxadmGetdevlist GetnumdevsGetlogiparams wwpn FCA Utilities Reference Manual Gethostparams GetsympnameSetsympname string GetsymnnameDevlogin wwpn DevlogoutGetstate wwpn Devremove wwpnGetbootrev Downloadfcode filenameGetfwrev Downloadfw filenameDownloadboot filename Downloads the specified boot image file to the HBA ExampleGetdumpsize ForcedumpResetlink wwpn or zero for local link ResethardResethardcore GettopologyType PID Returns the total number of configurable parameters Example Returns a list of configurable parameters ExampleParmgetnum ParmgetlistFCA Utilities Reference Manual Parmget label Gets the value of a specified parameter in the driverMsgbuf all or number -i interval Parmset label valueExample This example attempts to set a static parameter Getportattrs index, wwn or all GethostattrsDisplays all of the current host HBA API attributes Example Seagate ST39103FC = Seagate ST39103FC Getpath index Displays a help menu of utility commands ExampleExits the utility program Example Repeats the last command Example HbaModes of Operation emlxdrv Interactive Mode emlxdrvEmlxdrv utility program can be run in two modes Interactive CLI Mode emlxdrv Command Descriptions emlxdrv Setemlxs aliasSetemlxssun SetemlxsallSetlpfcnonsun Setlpfc aliasCleardev alias Clearlpfc ClearemlxsClearsun ClearnonsunClearall Emlxdrv q Exiting