Table of Contents |
Introduction | 1 |
Fibre Channel Overview | 1 |
The Solaris Fibre Channel Stack | 1 |
Installing the Utilities | 3 |
Installing or Updating the Utilities Using the emlxu_install Script | 3 |
Removing the Utilities Using the emlxu_remove Script | 4 |
Installing the Utilities Package Manually | 5 |
Removing the Utilities Package Manually | 5 |
Updating the Utilities Package Manually | 6 |
Using the emlxadm Utility | 7 |
Modes of Operation (emlxadm) | 7 |
Interactive Mode (emlxadm) | 7 |
CLI Mode (emlxadm) | 8 |
Command Descriptions (emlxadm) | 8 |
get_num_devs | 9 |
get_dev_list | 9 |
get_logi_params <wwpn> | 9 |
get_host_params | 11 |
get_sym_pname | 11 |
set_sym_pname <"string"> | 11 |
get_sym_nname | 11 |
set_sym_nname <"string"> | 11 |
dev_login <wwpn> | 12 |
dev_logout | 12 |
get_state <wwpn> | 12 |
dev_remove <wwpn> | 12 |
link_status <d_id> | 12 |
get_fcode_rev | 12 |
download_fcode <filename> | 13 |
get_fw_rev | 13 |
download_fw <filename> | 13 |
get_boot_rev | 13 |
download_boot <filename> | 14 |
get_dump_size | 14 |
force_dump | 14 |
get_dump | 14 |
get_topology | 15 |
reset_link <wwpn or zero for local link> | 15 |
reset_hard | 15 |
reset_hard_core | 15 |
diag <test [parameters]> or diag code <cmd_code (hex)> | 15 |
ns | 16 |
parm_get_num | 17 |
parm_get_list | 17 |
parm_get <label> | 19 |
parm_set <label> <value> | 20 |
msgbuf all or <number> | 20 |
get_host_attrs | 21 |
get_port_attrs <index>, <wwn> or all | 21 |
get_path <index> | 24 |
q | 24 |
FCA Utilities Reference Manual | Page iii |